
Performing Arts
Thank you to all the WPPS community for your support of Performing Arts at WPPS this year! Term 4 proved to be a busy one with lots of events, experiences and performances. Some highlights are below:
Our African Drumming experience was a vibrant and energetic celebration of rhythm and culture. Led by skilled teacher and musician, Mohammed, students were introduced to African drumming techniques and rhythms, using djembe drums. They learned about African culture while participating in hands-on lessons on the djembe. The highlight of the sessions were the communal drumming circles, where everyone came together to learn a variety of songs from West Africa. Students celebrated their achievements at a community event with their friends and family, where each Grade 1 and 2 class played a song they had been learning with Mohammed. We were also treated to an incredible performance by Mohammed on his djembe and kora. Thanks to Kristy Salisbury for bringing even more creativity to the event by displaying student artwork from the term in their classrooms. More pics are on the 1/2 page of this newsletter.
Our Term 4 Expressions excursion to the Melbourne Museum and to watch the musical Beauty and the Beast, was an unforgettable day for over 50 Grade 4-6 students. We began by exploring the Melbourne Museum, where students were fascinated by the exhibits on Melbourne, dinosaurs and the flora and fauna in rainforests. After a picnic lunch in front of the exhibition building, the excitement continued as we attended the performance of Beauty and the Beast at Her Majesty's Theatre. The students watched in awe as the detailed costumes, captivating music and acting, special effects and lighting helped create some magical storytelling. Following the performance we were lucky to meet the actor who played Gaston at the stage door!
Our school Christmas Carols was a magical evening, held on the Performing Arts room deck and school oval, which served as the perfect stage for our talented students. Families and friends turned out in large numbers, bringing picnic blankets and snacks to enjoy with the festive performances. We appreciated the vibrant community spirit as students sang and danced to much-loved Christmas tunes, spreading joy and cheer. A special visit from Santa was a highlight for the students! Thanks for supporting this wonderful celebration. Some levels have included pictures on their newsletter page.
Last weekend the 2024 State School Spectacular aired on Channel 7. Earlier in the year 22 students in Grade 5 and 6 performed the show at John Cain Arena. It was fantastic to see the show from up close on camera. It is available for streaming on 7plus now.
Visual Arts
A HUGE thankyou to all of the parent helpers that came into the Art room each term this year to assist with their child's art classes. Your time and hard work is so appreciated!
Prep students have enjoyed practising how to paint a Christmas tree using two shades of green paint and layering details once their work was dry.
They also experimented with colour mixing with their Christmas wreath painting by not washing their brush in between colours! Wild! The results were amazing and so colourful!
Grade 1/2
There have been sequins and sparkles everywhere in the Art room during the Grade 1/2 classes lately! These decorations required fine motor skills and pattern making and will look amazing on the Christmas tree at home.
Grade 3/4
These students have been getting into the Christmas spirit using chalk pastels and smudging to create glowing lights.
They also learnt how to quill paper and created a Christmas tree card for a special person.
Grade 5
Students in Grade 5 have been learning about Picasso and the cubist movement. They designed and constructed a face focussing on asymmetry, shapes and constrasting colours.
Grade 6
Students in Grade 6 have finished the term learning about one-point perspective drawing. They measured their name in block letters and created a 3D effect with lines drawing your eye to a vanishing point.