Religious Education

Our next and final whole School mass will be Week 9, Tuesday 3rd Decemeber @ 9:15am. All families are welcome to attend.
Christmas Children's Choir
Mrs. Earle would like to extend an invitation to students from St Patrick’s School to sing at the 6.00pm Christmas Vigil Mass at St Patrick’s Church this year. Last year we had a wonderful group of students singing. If you are interested could you please sign the Operoo permission form sent and contact the Parish office on: 9583 2103 to leave your contact details. It will involve a rehearsal. Mrs. Earle will contact you with details. The cut off date to sign up for this will be Week 8 Friday 29th November.
Christmas Hampers at St Patricks
It's that time of year again! Let us remember Jesus' example of loving the poor and helping those less fortunate during this season of Advent and Christmas. Each class at St Patrick's has been assigned through our Parish's St Vincent de Paul society, a person, household or family in our community who need extra support. Donations are welcome from this week until Week 10 Wednesday 11th Decemeber. Please see the attached file your class' donation hamper:
Jesus teaches his disciples to be ready when the Son of Man comes in glory.
Unpacking the Scriptures
This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and our new liturgical year - happy new liturgical year! It may seem like a scary reading with crazy signs happening but we have to look at what was happening when Jesus was saying this to his disciples. This is immediately before he was about to be arrested, suffer and die on the cross. Jesus is predicting the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and warning his disciples people are coming after them next once he was gone. He was encouraging them to stand tall and not to fear!
Like the first disciples, we may face challenges that cause us fear. Through prayer we find he’s always with us. What are some difficult times you may need to pray for strength or hope? Remember no matter what happens, Christ saved us because he loves us and is with us now wanting us to be the best version of ourselves as followers of his path of peace and love.
Family Connection
Jesus warns his disciples against the fatigue that can emerge if one becomes consumed by the worries of daily life. Many families are too familiar with the kind of fatigue Jesus refers to here. We may be concerned about a family member's health, our job security, our children's education, or any number of other concerns. All these are important matters. Jesus does not promise an end to daily worries and fears, but he does teach his disciples that they will have the strength to withstand anxiety if they stay focused on him, remaining ready for his return and praying for strength to endure all trials. Through prayer, God helps us stay focused on that which is most important in our lives.
Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel Luke 21:25-28,34-36. Discuss the tradition of making New Year's resolutions in preparation for the new calendar year. Observe that today is the first Sunday of Advent, which is the beginning of the new Church year. During the season of Advent, our Gospel readings ask us to consider what is most important to us as we prepare for Jesus' coming, at his birth and at the end of time. Consider as a family what “Advent resolutions” your family might make to help you stay focused so that you will be prepared to receive the salvation we celebrate at Jesus' birth and anticipate at Jesus' second coming (see family advent calendar above for ideas). Conclude with a prayer of hope:
Almighty God, we begin this Advent Season as an ‘Advent People’ – people of hope, ready to do your will. Let your blessing come upon us as we light this wreath. May it turn our hearts to you in the days ahead. Grant us the peace and joy we long for, as we await the coming of your Son with patient hearts. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
God bless,
India Mitchell-Fletcher
Religious Education Leader