Traffic Management & Parking Guidelines
School Traffic Management and Parking Guidelines
Families are reminded to be courteous and considerate of our neighbours and student safety when driving and parking in streets surrounding the College. We have numerous car parks across the campus designated to ensure the safety of the community and help with traffic flow. Please find below a reminder of College guidelines regarding parking and traffic flow.
Staff Parking
Two car parks are allocated for staff parking. One is closest to the St Louis Sports Centre off John XXIII Avenue, and the other is the A Block Carpark entrance via Heritage Lane.
Student Parking
Students can only park in the student car park located at the east end of the College playing fields. The entrance to this car park is off John XXIII Avenue. Non-compliance may lead to the revocation of driving privileges and may incur a fine from the local Council.
Car parking and pick-up options at John XXIII College
Pre-Kindy, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary
Parents with children in Pre-Kindy, Kindergarten, and Pre-Primary can utilise the Early Years Carpark off John XXIII Avenue for drop-off and collection. Overflow parking is available in the main car park off John XXIII Avenue and the Loop car park off Mooro Drive.
Years 1 to 6
For students in Years 1 to 6, pick-up arrangements can be made at The Loop off Mooro Drive which is staffed to help for an effective flow of traffic. Please follow these instructions:
- have your surname sign displayed on your dashboard;
- drive all the way to the bottom of the loop;
- have your child exit from the passenger (left) side of the vehicle. At pick-up, please stay in your vehicle and staff will guide your child to get into your car safely from the passenger side.
Alternatively, students from Years 1 to 6 may also be collected from the Kiss ānā Drive Loop off John XXIII Avenue if accompanied by a sibling in the Secondary School.
Parents who prefer to park and drop-off or pick-up their children can utilise the main car park off John XXIII Avenue or the Loop car park off Mooro Drive.
Years 7 to 12
Secondary parent parking is allocated in the main car park off John XXIII Avenue. Additionally, parents may use the Kiss ānā Drive Loop near this car park.
College Events
During large College events necessitating additional parking, the College playing fields will be open for overflow parking. Please adhere to signage or directions from staff on duty.
School Zone Safety
To ensure the safety of students and pedestrians, we kindly request all drivers observe the following guidelines:
- Utilise designated College car parks.
- Drop off and pick up your child only in designated areas.
- Adhere to the 40km/h speed limit in school zones.
- Follow all traffic and parking signs.
- Refrain from double parking and illegal parking.
- Yield to pedestrians, especially near driveways.
- Park only in marked bays on the College campus.
By working together, we can uphold the safety and well-being of our entire community.