Principal's Message 

Mr Adam Beilken

It is hard to believe that the last three weeks have gone so quickly and as I write this, there are 21 days left of the school year. The children have been working hard in class and I have seen some wonderful work while walking around the school. Students have been focusing on using ‘Smart Ignore’ in behaviour lessons, and I am delighted to say that all factions have now earnt the next behaviour reward which is a Pizza and Movie party in class on Monday 18 November.


Planning for 2025

The leadership team is looking to finalise planning for the 2025 school year. Thank you to those families that have indicated that they are leaving at the end of the year. If you are looking to leave, can you please inform the school as soon as possible. This will enable the school to identify classroom structures and plan for staff placement.  If you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact the front office.


School Disco

The P & C are hosting a disco on Friday between 4.30pm and 6.00pm. The entrance to the disco will be from the gate near the disabled car park and not through the gate that you normally would access the classrooms. Your support to pick children up on time would be appreciated.


Staffing Updates

At the end of last week, Kaitlyn Matchett who was working in E hub took leave to begin her tertiary studies. She has also been successful in obtaining a position at another school for 2025. I wish Kaitlyn all the best in her future studies and work, and thank her for her contribution to the students at Marangaroo Primary School. 


Kangaroos Assembly

Last Friday the Kangaroos presented their assembly. They have been working hard to learn the continents and this showed with their wonderful performance. I would like to thank the Maranagaroo Community that came to support the class and would like to thank Mrs Middleton, Mrs Higgins and Mrs Roser for the work they put in behind the scenes with their students.


Road Safety

The cross-walk attendant approached me last week to discuss a near miss at the school. When crossing the horseshoe on the footpath, can you please check in both directions to ensure no cars are pulling in. A student was on a scooter and crossed the horseshoe and didn’t look. This almost caused an initial accident with the student, and then with cars that were braking behind the car that was pulling into the school. Please use caution when crossing the road and entering the school grounds.


School Board

The school board plays an important role in contributing to good school governance. They work with the entire school community to achieve the best outcomes for students. The board along with the principal make important decisions for the school. Earlier this week we held the final board meeting for 2024. During this meeting, the current School Board Chair, Mr Eric Jones, submitted his resignation letter. I would like to personally thank Eric for the valuable contribution he has made to Marangaroo, not only in his currently role of Board Chair, which he held for 6 years, but also in his roles across the P & C. 

With change brings opportunity. Early in 2025, I will be holding expressions of interest for new members to join the School Board. The role entails termly meetings, where important school matters are raised and discussed. If this is of interest to you, please submit your expression when they open next year. 


Fees and Charges

One of the agenda items at the school board meeting was to approve the Voluntary Contributions and Charges for 2025. A copy of the Fees and Charges will accompany this newsletter. One of the changes you may notice this year is that there is no school camp planned for next year. Given the current financial climate, the hard decision was made to not hold a Year 6 camp in 2025. The school will instead be running an additional excursion after the Graduation. More information regarding this will occur in 2025.


Upcoming dates

15 November – P & C Disco

27 November – Kindy information session for incoming Kindy students in 2025

28 November – Year 6 transition to Girrawheen SHS

3 December – Year 6 transition to Warwick SHS

4 December – Book Awards Assembly at 9.00am

6 December – P & C Colour Run

10 December – Year 6 Graduation Assembly at 9.00am


Adam Beilken
