Principal's Report

Principal's Message
2025 School Captains
It is with great excitement that we announce the results of this year’s School Captain election.
After 23 fantastic speeches and our student’s thoughtful voting this week, we now have our newly elected School Captains who will represent our school with pride in 2025.
Congratulations to the following elected captains for 2025:
Girl Captains - Harla Gittoes, Aurora Alam and Layla Morley
Boy Captains – Joel Vaiciurgis, Wilbur Meyers and Jordy Schley
We look forward to seeing you represent our school with integrity and enthusiasm.
I would like to thank every one of the candidates who stepped up to nominate for this important role. Your commitment and ideas for our school community were inspiring and entertaining. Whether you were elected or not, you all demonstrated leadership yesterday, and we are proud of your efforts. It was pleasing to have so many nominees, this shows that Boambee Public School is a place where students feel safe to put their hands up and have go!
The school captains badge ceremony will be during the Presentation Day on December 12. The Presentation Day begins at 9:30 am in the hall.
House Captains speeches and elections will be on Friday November 15. The badge ceremony for SRC and House Captains will be early next year.
School Fete
Thank you to the students for your excellent behaviour at our school fete. To our parents for all of your support and donations and finally to our staff who work so hard for The Boambee Public School Community. It was a great night and everyone was so patient and considerate in some pretty ordinary weather!
Parents and Citizens Association Meeting
This week we held our final P and C meeting for the year and it was pleasing to see several new faces at the meeting. I want to take this opportunity to thank Tas and the P & C team for everything that they do for our school. Please see the P & C message section of this newsletter to view what has been achieved by the P & C this year.
Principal's Awards
Ashton Eade - KH
Ashton consistently persists with challenging learning tasks while displaying a positive and eager attitude.
Kane Bathgate - 1D
Always being a respectful learner.
Ella Jeffrey - 2RG
For consistently displaying our school values in all areas.
Elizabeth Hall - 3N
Reflecting the school values and being a positive role model for others.
Phoebe Eggins - 2/3B
Being a responsible, respectful and caring class member.
Jesse Castor - 2/3B
Outstanding focus and growth in all areas of mathematics.
Mylah Kerr - 3ML
Always being a kind and caring class citizen.
Blayze Lynwood - 1L
Being an engaged learner working hard to achieve his goals.
Elias Taurua - 4M
A kind and empathetic friend.
Umbrellas for sale
We now have a limited number of Boambee umbrellas available for purchase. They are $30 each and can be picked up and paid for at the front office.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.