Co-curricular - Junior Sport Stage 3

The weekend of sport proved to be a tough one for the boys in the Junior School. Up against some tough opposition across the codes, wins were hard to come across. In many instances the challenge became more about not letting the opposition run away with the game, rather than fighting for the win. 


Some would argue that this style of game is detrimental to future involvement and should be avoided. Others would say that it is character building and boys need to toughen up and deal with it. Personally, I tend to sit on the fence a bit. I think that heavy defeats can weigh heavily on a young mind and game management strategies need to be in place when teams run away with a game. On the other side, I also believe it is important to play teams that are better than you. It gives you a clear understanding of what you need to strive for, in order to compete at the higher levels. It is also a great place to develop resilience and learn strategies to be able to bounce back. This is one of the reasons why sport is so important, now more than ever, it is a learning place for resilience and persistence.


What impressed me over the weekend are the countless comments that have been made to me about how our ‘boys have hung in there’. Giving their all for the full game and not dropping our standards, even when those around us may have. St Patrick’s has always had the reputation of staying in the competition, even when the odds are vastly against us. This past weekend has only strengthened our resolve as a College community and our proud tradition continues. Keep up the good fight boys and know that your coaches and parents/carers are all proud of your efforts.


John Locke

Head of Co-Curricular Stage 3

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