Grade 1 and 2

End of Year Reflection  

This newsletter will be the final one for a spectacular year we have had at ACPS. As we reflect upon the last twelve months of learning in Grade 1 and 2, we are so proud of the outstanding achievements of our students. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our community for the ongoing support you provide us. Learning is a partnership between students and families. We have gone from strength to strength.


Here is a list of some of the amazing things we have done this year: Life Ed, Magic Show, Thrive afternoons, Harmony Day, Colour Run, Bush Dance, Warrandyte Festival, ANZAC Day, Mother's Day Breakfast, Education Week, Shrek Production, Olympics, Athletics Day, Book Week, Father's Day Breakfast, Books to Life, GRADE 2 SLEEPOVER, Footy Day, Grandparents and Special Persons Day, CERES excursion and more! Among all of these special events we also have had lots of rich learning. 


It has been an incredible year in Grade 1 and 2 literacy! Our students have been immersed in a variety of texts, each offering exciting opportunities to explore, create, and express themselves.


This year, our young learners have delved into the structure and features of different text types, including poetry, information texts, procedural texts, recounts, narratives, and persuasive texts. Through hands-on activities and guided practice, they have learned how to identify key elements, understand their purpose, and use these skills to craft their own pieces of writing.

We have watched as the students' writing and reading skills blossom throughout the year, and we are incredibly proud of their progress. Their enthusiasm, curiosity, and hard work have made this a memorable year of learning. We encourage you to continue celebrating their literacy achievements at home, whether by reading together, discussing the texts they create, or simply encouraging them to explore different kinds of writing. 


In Mathematics we have also covered a range of topics from all things number; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to understanding fractions and beyond. We had a lot of fun with data representation and measuring anything and everything we could see. 

Thank you for your continued support throughout this academic year. We look forward to even more growth and success in the new year ahead!


It was a fun couple of weeks and these fishies got stronger and stronger as the days went on. We practiced our swim strokes and how to be safe around water. Smiles all round as they feel confident and that bit more ready for a safe and fun holiday around water.  

Thank you and Merry Christmas

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree:

the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.


Wishing all our students and their families a happy and fun filled holiday this Christmas. Take a good and well-earned rest after all your hard work this year. 



So, from everyone here in Grade 1 and 2…. MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HO, HO, HO to one and all!

And a Happy New Year!

We wish you all a very happy and safe holiday period.

We are looking forward to seeing you all in 2025!


Miss Buzzini and Ms Zanatta