Miss Mel's Message

Principal - St Brigid's Primary School

Term 4, Week 2

Term 4 - what an exciting journey we have had already!


Faith and Mission

Archbishop Peter Comensoli has appointed Father Vincent Nguyen to the Parish of St Brigid’s, as Parish Priest, effective from Wednesday 22 November. This appointment is for six years. Fr Vincent is currently Parish Priest of Holy Child Parish, Dallas, however before that he was the Parish Priest of Yea - Alexandra - Eildon - and so has had some experience in a parish with several communities. 


I have met with Father Vincent briefly, and we will organise another meeting to discuss processes, masses, graduation etc after he has settled in. He will be moving to the parish house over the next few weeks. Father Vincent will more than likely be formally installed as Parish Priest at some date after his appointment takes effect with a parish mass that all can attend. 


Learning and Teaching

This year's literacy intervention has led to great success for both academic improvement, and early identification of students in need. We have enacted extension in some areas and in 2024 intend to enhance this for literacy across all areas of the school. We will be moving in this direction for numeracy, with the addition of a learning enhancement teacher, and two maths intervention and extension teachers. This strong mathematical team will ensure students are identified and supported early, and those requiring extension beyond the classroom are accessing this on a consistent basis. 


Whole School Fundraiser for our library in Nepal

Senior students continue to work toward our $10,000 goal to build a library in Nepal. We're almost there, thanks for your continued support, donations and enthusiasm. Please come and support our Whole School Fundraisers across the weekend! 


Building Update

The new learning space for seniors is coming along well. Cabinetry is installed, plaster is in, and electrical to be finalised soon. Roofing challenges have been navigated, and a solution has been found to join the old roof with the new roof. This area will hopefully be completed towards the mid to end of November. The area of the basketball court required by the builders will be greatly reduced and students will gain access to more area for play. 

Over the holidays the builders came across asbestos in the walls downstairs in the teacher planning room and kitchen. The school has undertaken a full asbestos audit of the area, and all of it has now been removed, the area cleaned and a clearance certificate has been provided. The area is safe and clear.  

This discovery however has caused significant delays and unexpected associated costs. This will mean the build will not be ready for handover until December 15th as a minimum. There is no contingency for staged handover and as such all of the new areas will not be able to be accessed until this date. 


School Community

Parents Night Out and Ladies Lunch coming up soon. P&F have had some great initiatives over the year and continue to support the school in many ways with these funds. For this we are all very thankful. We encourage you all to grab a ticket and join us for an exciting night of fun and festivities. 


Child Safety

The fence near the church has been fixed as it had fallen down on the holidays. Gates are locked each morning by a staff member. Front gates continue to be locked at break times.