Grade 5/6

Celebrating our Classroom Work

The grade 5/6 students have been looking at the features of biographies. They have researched and put together a biography about a person of their choice. We have had movie stars, cartoonists, authors, doctors, sports stars and parents. Students were able to present their work in any way they wanted which resulted in Slide shows, posters, booklets and Canva presentations. Students then presented a speech to their peers and answered questions about their chosen person. Here are some samples of the students' work.

Important Dates

  • 31st October Halloween Dress Up Day
  • 8th Nov: SE Melbourne Phoenix Basketball clinics
  • 10th Nov: Excursion to GTAC
  • 20th-24th Nov: Swimming Program
  • 12th Dec: Year 6 to 7 Transition Day
  • 13th Dec: Surf Day
  • 18th Dec: Grade 6 Graduation