Grade 1 and 2

Perseverance and Resilience

Teddy Bear Picnic/Sleepover

What an afternoon it was! 

It all started on Monday with writing our teddies an invitation to the teddy bear picnic. In 2B we had teacher (Mr Molinaro) teach us how to make an envelope for our letters. 


The Grade 2 classrooms were then transformed over the week into a cosy wonderland ready for our sleepover. 


Our afternoon started with the Prep to 2 Teddy Bear Picnic. Students brought their teddy friends of all sorts and enjoyed afternoon tea and games. We then said goodbye to our Prep friends, ready for our 'surprise' activity. It was SILENT DISCO time! We know how much our Grade 1 and 2 students love music and to dance so why not have a silent disco party. There were glow sticks, cool dance moves and so many smiling faces. 'That was the best'...quoted from all students.  

Dinner time came and went...Pizza was a hit, followed by ICECREAM (which was a nice surprise...thank you Bocca)!  

It was then time to say bye to the Grade 1s and the Grade 2s got ready for bed. Into our pyjamas and off to the movie room to watch Oddball. We got an hour into the movie and we were ready for bed. 


We had two words heading into our sleepover...PERSEVERANCE and RESILIENCE.

Perseverance to give everything a go and resilience when things got tough and we missed home that we could get through it and they did. Everyone smashed both of these things. 


Thank you to the parents and carers for all your support in getting this to happen. The students have so many exciting things to tell you. We are extremely proud of them and I am sure you will be to. 


A big thank you to Alysha Buzzini, Peta Dibb, Daniel Webber, Amanda Callaway, Linda Zanatta and all staff who supported, reached out and made this day/night extremely special for the students. Also thank you to the Grade 5/6 team for running camp like activities with our students on Friday morning to really finish off their experience. 









Linda Zanatta (1Z), Alysha Buzzini (2B) and Peta Dibb(2D).