Student Wellbeing

Term 4


Welcome back to our students, staff and community members for what will be an incredibly busy Term 4!  We have many exciting events to look forward to and I’m sure everyone will enjoy the term ahead.

Year 12 Op Shop

As part of their final Personal Development Skills unit, Giving Back, the Year 12s have collected donations to establish their own Concord Shop.  Students have collected, cleaned, repurposed, sorted and displayed the variety of donated items in the 

Multi-Purpose Room.  Year 12 students are manning the stall and many of our students and staff have already snagged a bargain! 


The Year 12 students identified that they want to host a morning tea for staff that have contributed to their learning journey throughout their time at Concord School.  All profits from the stall will be used towards this event.

Mobile Phone Use

A reminder that, in line with the DET Mobile Phone Use Policy, the use and access to mobile phones while at school is as follows:

  • All students are required to switch off their phones and store them in the classroom secure lock box or for Year 11 & 12 students, they may store them in their own lockers. 
  • The only exceptions to the ban will be where students use phones to monitor health conditions, or where teachers instruct students to bring their phone for a particular classroom activity. At all other times, phones must be in locked boxes or lockers.

 When emergencies occur, parents or guardians can reach their child by calling the school office.


If students do not comply with the Mobile Phone Use Policy for Students, families/carers will receive a phone call from the classroom teacher or Student Wellbeing and Engagement Team Leader.  If there is an ongoing issue, consequences may occur.


Bronwyn Hart

Assistant Principal 

Student Wellbeing & Engagement

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