Principal's Report

Term 4
Welcome back to Term 4. We have much to look forward to this term including the Year 12 Camp to Sydney, the Secondary Sports Day, Community Concert, Graduation ceremonies and the excitement of the end of year excursions and activities.
School Building Works
The construction of our new building at the Bundoora Campus is gathering pace. When you approach the campus, the building looms large over the top of the gymnasium. We are now working with the architects to choose the technology, furniture and furnishings. The building is set to be completed by the commencement of the 2024 school year. The subsequent demolition of the Secondary 7/8 building and the landscaping throughout the school will be completed at the beginning of Term 2.
Parent and Carer Requests re Student Class Placement
Information regarding the placement of students into classes for next year has been posted on Compass. You are invited to request considerations via the form attached to Compass. In forming classes, we consider numbers, gender, social and academic issues. We consider parents/caregivers views, student requests and staff perspectives but make our final decisions on our perception of what is in the best educational interests of all the students. Often, we can act upon the matters you have raised, but we do not guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Please ensure that the form is returned to your class teacher, in an envelope, or to your current Section Leader via email, by 5pm on Thursday 19th October.
Diesel – Resilience Award
On Monday, Diesel, one of our Secondary 9/10 students, was presented with a very special Resilience Award by Kate Thwaites MP, the Federal Member for Jagajaga. Congratulations to Diesel!
Principal Award - Marcus Raso
Marcus is a quiet and respectful student who always tries his best in class. He has made wonderful gains in all areas of his learning, including learning the alphabet in Auslan classes.
Marcus has many friends and is happy to work with different students respectfully and inclusively. He is a wonderful student to have in the Upper Primary section, demonstrating our school expectations every day in every way.
Keep up the great work Marcus.
Jason Coningsby