
Upcoming events

** At time of publication dates were correct.  These may be subject to change.

19/10/2023Year 10 IT Timber Task 2 due
19/10/2023Year 10 IT Metal Task 3 due
19/10/2023HSC Society and Culture 1:55- 4:00
19/10/2023Womens' Group Year 9 & 10
19/10/2023Sista speak Year 7
20/10/20239SS - First Aid Manual due
20/10/2023Sista Speak Year 8
23/10/2023Teloca House Aged Care Visits 
23/10/2023 - 03/11/23Stage 4/5 Assessment Period
23/10/2023HSC Biology 9:25-12:30
23/10/2023VALID 8
24/10/2023HSC Business Studies 9:25- 12:30
25/10/2023Women's Group SENIORS
26/10/20232023 HSC Written Exams
26/10/2023Staff Meeting
26/10/2023Womens' Group Year 9 & 10
26/10/2023Sista speak Year 7
27/10/2023HSC Industrial Technology 1:55- 3:30
27/10/2023HSC Chemistry 9:25- 12:30
27/10/2023Sista Speak Year 8
30/10/2023Teloca House Aged Care Visits 
30/10/2023HSC - PD/H/PE   9:25- 12:30
2/11/2023Womens' Group Year 9 & 10
2/11/2023Sista speak Year 7
3/11/2023HSC Food Technology 9:25- 12:30
3/11/2023HSC Written Exams Finish

Apply for a school travel pass or School Opal card |

Extra-Curricular Participation

Participation in extracurricular activities (activities that are not related to subject specific curriculum) are not compulsory and participation in these activities is based on a student's positive commitment to school life at Narrandera High School. 


Examples of extracurricular activities are (not an inclusive list)

  • School sporting activities
  • Regional/State sporting representation 
  • Debating and public speaking competitions
  • Eisteddfods 
  • High Potential student activities
  • Creative Arts performances
  • Volunteering in the community
  • Non-curricular excursions 
  • Wellbeing Year Excursions 

Students may be excluded from extracurricular activities if 

  • They are on step 2 or step 3. 
  • They have been suspended in the previous four school weeks.
  • Their attendance in class is less than 80%.
  • They truant class and have been placed on Step 2 Attendance card. 
  • Stage 5 and 6 students who have outstanding N Determination warning letters. 

For students who have one or more of the above points, staff organising the excursion will need to seek the approval of the Deputy Principal or Principal for the student to attend. 

Study Centre

This year we are able to offer our students a Homework and Study Centre which will operate twice a week. 


On Mondays and Wednesdays after school, students can work in the library on homework or assessment tasks, getting some much-needed help from staff. 


We hope to see lots of students use this service.

2023 HSC Written Exam Timetable