
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
Term four looks set to be another busy term in the career’s office, with the following activities/events coming up:
Work Experience – All of Year 10 Week 5 6th November – 10th November:
Year 10 students sorting out the final details on their work experience placements that are to be held in week 5, 6th November till 10th November. *All year 10 students are expected to be proactively organising this placement and must speak to me about the details and for approval.
TAFE YES Programs for Term 4:
We also have another round of TAFE YES programs commencing in the coming weeks, with Construction, Animal Studies, and Early Childhood/Disability Care on offer. As always, these amazing courses are due to the tireless work and advocacy for our students by Fee Smith of Narrandera TAFE, so a huge thank to Fee! Students should have already returned their forms by tomorrow’s deadline and notes to parents will come home with more specific details in the coming days.
White Card Courses: Dates TBC – TERM 4
Later in the term (date to be confirmed) we are hoping to hold another White Card Construction Safety Course for our students.
Year 12 Finalising Post School Plans:
We also have our Year 12 students finalising their school journeys with their HSC exams and many coming in for appointments to seek assistance with their future planning and Uni/scholarship applications.
All these opportunities are always announced to students at our morning assemblies, year meetings and in our newsletters. Any student or parent who has any questions in relation to these activities or any other careers planning questions are welcome to contact the careers office for further information.
I look forward to another packed term!
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser