Moon Rover

The Australian Space Agency started a competition in September to name the Australian Moon Rover which is going to the Moon in 2025. So, it was decided that we would have a school competition so we could enter as a School.
Students started submitting their entries during Week 9 and 10 of Term 3 and at the beginning of Week 1 Term 4, we asked staff to vote to find the 3 most popular names.
Students had to give a name and then a brief description as to why they wanted that name. Students came up with a wide range of names from Kangawallafox through to Ned Kelly.
These were Giwana (Wiradjuri for “The Name of the Moon”), Jannali (Aboriginal for “The Place on the Moon”), and Old Mate!
On Friday 13th October, the students were ask to vote on assembly and “Old Mate” was the overwhelming winner with the majority of students making this selection.
Our entry has been selected and now has been entered on the Australian Space Agency Website. If you would like to enter individually go to: Entries closing on Friday 20th October.
We will now have to wait and see if we are successful when the Competition concludes in December.
Ms Webber
iStem Teacher