Year 12

Year 12 finished their academic career off with a week of festivities in Week 10 of Term 3.
Year 12 brought back a tradition of hosting a "mock assembly" for Narrandera High School on the Wednesday. Students took on the theme of Court Room and took some teachers to court for the injustices they endured throughout their time at Narrandera High School.
The following teachers were given a fair trial:
Mrs Gilmour - Disturbing the peace - guilty!
Mr Davies - Taking too many days off - guilty!
Mr Horrell - Self-appointed Hall Monitor - Innocent!
Mrs McDonald - Skipping textbook chapters - guilty!
Mr Chappel - House point scandal - guilty!
Mrs McLay - Being the Fun Police - guilty!
Mrs Langley - Kidnapping the toilet key - guilty!
Mrs Madison - Choosing Mexico during Year 12's last week - guilty!
Ms Burgess
Year Advisor