Principals message

Dear Parents/carers,
Welcome to Term 4.
Stage 6 students have begun their HSC examinations and we wish all students the best of luck as their exams continue through until November 3rd.
Congratulations to Ms Erin Golding who has been appointed Head Teacher HSIE and Creative Arts at Narrandera High School following a merit selection process. Ms Golding is a Visual Arts and Photography teacher at Narrandera High School and has been a valued member of this faculty since April 2022. She replaces Ms Dunbar who was appointed as Deputy Principal at Bourke High School at the start of Term 3. Thank you to Mr Byron Horrell for relieving in the position.
Welcome back to John Ingram as Director of the Clontarf Academy at Narrandera High School. John has replaced Neville Bamblett who has taken up a position with the Clontarf Academy at James Fallon High School in Albury. Thank you to Neville for his years of service at NHS.
John has previously worked at the NHS Clontarf Academy, and we are happy that he and his family have returned to town.
2024 will see a change in the Narrandera High School Uniform. The change in uniform has been a long process which began over 12 months ago. There has been considerable consultation with students, staff and parents via the P&C in the development of the new uniform.
The key points in the transition to the new school uniform are:
- Students can continue to wear the existing uniform for 2024 and 2025 as a transition period.
- The uniform is for all students each day. There will no longer be a different shirt for PE. Students in Years 7 to 12 will wear the same uniform.
- The shirt includes a design by Aboriginal Education Officer Glen Borg. The design is representative of Narrandera High School with symbols illustrating faculties, students, and staff.
- The “top half” of the uniform will be the traditional maroon (shirt, jumper, jacket). The “lower half” of the uniform will be black (shorts, trousers, skort, trackpants). The current winter skirt will remain an option.
- Students in Years 11 and 12 will have an optional senior jumper.
- The uniform will be sold at a school run uniform shop on site at Narrandera High School. This uniform shop will be operational by the end of the school year.
- All students will be given a new school shirt either at the end of 2023 or the start of 2024.
- Student assistance will be available to any families experiencing financial hardship to support them in the purchase of school uniform.
- Students will be required to wear leather shoes and will not be able to participate in practical activities (for example – Industrial Technology and Food Technology classes) if they are not wearing leather shoes.
- Students in Year 10 can continue to wear their current uniform for the remainder of the year.
Ms Tania Maddison