Chaplain's Corner

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.
Change is a constant that we are all adapting to living with. Too much change, however, can leave us feeling overwhelmed and with too little, we can be under-stimulated. At school, we are always dealing with change. Each year we say welcome to new students in Prep and Year 7 whilst at the same time we say farewell to the Year 12’s who have completed their secondary schooling and are graduating on to university, the workforce or other vocational pathways. Likewise, staff also change, whether that be due to retirement, long service leave or career opportunities elsewhere. Changes are continually made to curriculum and systems to provide a better educational experience. We do, however, fall into the trap of resisting it at times and need provoking to reflect and bring about change within ourselves which we may be resistant to. A good mentor, coach or supervisor can be very helpful!
The Gospel stories of Jesus in the Bible also talk a lot about change or "metanoia" in which followers of Jesus seek to repent (turn their life around) and follow Jesus and his teachings. This is the task of a lifetime that is called discipleship. At Aitken, we aim to expose students to this way of life and its accompanying values. This term in Chapel we have begun by looking at such Christian values as Gratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) and Honesty (Matthew 21:28-32). As we begin to approach the end of the year, may you find blessing in the day-to-day interactions and may your relationships be rich and full.
Animal Blessing
Rev. Gavin Blakemore