Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Lost Property
A large proportion of lost property brought to the First Aid room is un-named, including expensive uniform items as well as lunch boxes and water bottles. If it is un-named, then it cannot be returned to its owner. Uniform items will be given to the P&F uniform sale at the end of each term and items such as shoes, lunch boxes, water bottles, hats and pencil cases will be thrown out as waste. Please make a point of ensuring that all of your child’s uniform and belongings are clearly named.
Acne Brochure
A Dermal Clinician student from Victoria University has produced a brochure for students and parents about coping with acne. It is attached below and may be useful in informing conversations between students and parents.
Presentation Night
This year’s Aitken College Presentation Night will again be held online and is on Wednesday 6 December at 7.30pm. The live event will be in the CPA, to which parents of award winners and performers will be invited. I encourage all Aitken families to mark this occasion in their calendars and perhaps even make it a family evening with take-away in front of the TV! Further details, program and YouTube link will be sent out closer to the night.