Sustainability and Agriculture

Royal Melbourne Show Sheep Competition and Poultry Competition
During the recent school holidays, selected students of Year 9 and 10 Agricultural and Horticultural Studies participated in the Royal Melbourne Show sheep competition and poultry competition.
In the sheep-showing competition, Year 10 students were involved in showing one of the school’s Suffolk sheep by leading the sheep in the ring with other competition sheep. The purpose was to provide students will an opportunity to see what is involved in sheep showing and learn best practice from other sheep producers with respect to sheep husbandry.
In the poultry competition, the school entered 3 Hy-line brown chickens. The schools egg laying competition gives students a hands-on experience in raising and caring for young poultry, giving them an insight into what is required of producers in the modern commercial poultry industry.
CERES – Student Environment Leadership Program
Selected Sustainability students from Cumberland and Dunhelen participated in the CERES Student Environment Leadership Program. The program focussed on waste education and investigated ways that the school could reduce its waste. The students conducted a waste audit of the schools internal and external bins as well as the waste collection services the school provides and what waste management processes are in place. The students then came up with action plans they could implement to reduce waste.
Mr Dwayne Ganci
Sustainability Coordinator