Parent Payments 2024

Gisborne Secondary College is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of your child’s requirements for 2024.


You will soon receive information that outlines the textbooks and stationery your child will need for each of their subjects and a list of voluntary contributions including tax deductable contributions to the Library and Building Funds. The following is an explanation of each of these items.


Campion Booklist

This list continues the essential items that each student will need for each subject and parents are required to provide. In some cases, the item will be a digital subscription that will be used in class in place of textbooks. Information regarding signing into the online platforms is available on the form and on our website. These items are not supplied by the school.


Stationery List

This list contains the stationery items that each student will need and are also essential items that parents are required to provide. You have the option of ordering all or part of these items from our local supplier, Office National, or purchasing the items your child needs elsewhere. These items are not supplied by the school.


Parent Payment Contributions

Whilst the school provides students with free instruction to fulfill the standard Victorian curriculum the Parent Payment contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, your voluntary contributions assist us to provide improved resources for your child. These resources range from classroom materials and student resource workbooks to equipment and updated technology. The ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.


The Student Wellbeing contribution is in place to support students in crisis including the Breakfast Club and food for student who don’t have lunch due to family restraints.


We also have 2 voluntary tax deductable contributions, for our Building and Library Funds respectfully. These funds can be directed by school council for specific project in our library and our buildings. We provide you with an invoice to reflect your contribution at the end of each financial year.


Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding (CSEF)

If you have a current Pension or Health Care Card, you may be eligible for CSEF Funding. Please fill in the CSEF form and provide a copy of your card.


We want to thank you for all your support, whether that’s through fundraising or volunteering your time, or making voluntary curriculum contributions. This makes a huge difference to our school and the programs and facilities we offer.




Dawn Hinrichsen

Business Manager