Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Edie M | For showing enthusiasm and confidence during her guided reading groups. Thanks for showing your passion for reading, Edie! |
PB | Leo I | For your incredibly detailed and prepared Fascinating Fact! Your enjoyment when presenting was infectious. Leo, your attention to detail and dedication to the task is inspiring to those around you. Keep up the great work! |
PC | Manny C | For your all round positive attitude towards tasks, especially with independent writing. Manny, you are such a treasured member of Prep C and I have loved watching your confidence grow around your learning. |
PD | Toby M | For consistently making fantastic choices in class. Thank you so much Toby for your calm and mature approach to school, and for always being a wonderful role model to your peers. Well done! |
PE | Walter R | For your focused efforts towards your learning. You always set a wonderful example for your peers in your independent work time, showing great organisation, focus and persistence. Well done and keep up the great attitude! |
1A | Chloe B | For her wonderful efforts in writing using our mentor text, ‘Yetis are the worst!” You did such a great job working on remembering how and when to use capital letters. I loved your WOW moment when you remembered to even use one for a name! Keep up the great work, Chloe! |
1B | Darcey S | For applying herself so impressively to all learning throughout the week. Darcey has persisted in all subject areas and produced some fantastic work. On top of this, Darcey is friendly, has a great sense of humour and brightens up our classroom. |
1C | Enzo K | For working hard to strive towards his writing goal in independent writing this week. Without reminding, you have used classroom resources to help you spell unfamiliar words. Keep it up legend! |
1D | Emilia V | For always striving and working hard to display our Wembley Values each day at school. Emilia you show wonderful respect, resilience, empathy and include others always. |
2A | Cobi T | For demonstrating the Wembley Value of Inclusion and welcoming others. Cobi you have shown what a supportive and encouraging friend you are with your warmth and kindness. Thank you for being such a wonderful role model to others! |
2B | Henry H | For his team work and patience during our readers theater lesson. Well done Henry! It was lovely to see you collaborating so well and supporting your peers! Keep it up! |
2C | Eddy L | For demonstrating great enthusiasm and putting forth his best effort during our multiplication lessons. Eddy it has been really exciting to see you so motivated and determined to do your best. Keep up your amazing work superstar! |
2D | Austin T | For demonstrating great listening skills during mini lessons. Austin, you have worked really hard to show the five L’s on the floor and have done a fantastic job at joining in class discussions. Well done and keep it up! |
3A | Megan H | For your growing confidence and absolute fabulous job presenting your fascinating facts to the class. Megan, it is very clear you worked hard creating and practicing your presentation. I am so proud of your meaningful class contributions and questions recently. Keep up the wonderful efforts, you should also be incredibly proud of yourself! |
3B | Niall D | For showing a growth mindset, making positive choices and showing your best effort. Niall, you are doing a great job at thinking about your actions and doing the right thing and it is showing in the amazing work you are producing. Great work Niall, Keep it up! |
3C | Luka C | For consistently putting in great efforts in your work and striving for greatness. Well done Luka, you should be very proud of yourself. Keep it up!!! |
3D | Mila B | For making a smooth transition back into the classroom after a long family holiday. Mila, you have positively contributed to classroom discussions and have worked very hard on your writing this week. Keep up the fantastic effort! |
4A | ||
4B | ||
4C | ||
4D | ||
5A | Harvey J | For your hard work, resilience and open minded approach to our money learning and catapult building. Harvey, your knowledge of adding together monetary amounts was great, your resilience when adjusting your design was awesome and the final product was a huge success. Great work! |
5B | Zoe M | For always being such a wonderful role model to those around you and for being kind and inclusive to your peers. Well done Zoe. You are amazing!! |
5C | Aydin J | For consistently demonstrating a strong drive to achieve your learning goals. I have been impressed by your ability to work independently and to think creatively. Congratulations Aydin on an outstanding year! |
5/6A | Macy H | For her resilience and active participation to achieve her learning goals. Macy immerses herself in class discussions and tasks, and is always willing to challenge herself and extend her learning. Her love for school greatly contributes to the positive environment in the classroom. Super effort Macy! |
6A | Jet S | For your enthusiasm that you have brought into every lesson over the past few weeks. Jet, you have shown great determination in all of your tasks and it has shown in the quality of your work. Well done and keep it up! |
6B | Zoe F | For your exceptional efforts in Writing this week! Zoe, you are considering the perspectives of the author and director in your reading response in clever and interesting ways. Keep up the great work! |
6C | Alana P | For consistently upholding the WPS values and challenging herself to exceed expectations. Alana, your dedication and resilience is something to be admired. Keep up the great work legend! |
TERM 3 - WEEK 10
PA | Darcey H | For showing support and encouragement for her classmates during her guided reading groups. Thanks for being a kind and caring friend, Darcey! |
PB | Axel G | For the tremendous courage and commitment you have put into your writing. Axel, it is fantastic to see you so confidently picking up your writing book and giving anything a go! Keep up the great work! |
PC | Freddie R | For your determination during guided reading to stretch out sounds and build words back together. I am so proud of the confidence you show when reading in front of others. Well done Freddie! |
PD | Mina Y | For all of the hard work that you have put into your reading. Mina, it is so wonderful to see you confidently saying each sound and blending them together to make a word. Keep up the fabulous work! |
PE | Cooper Y | For your wonderful growth in independence towards your work. It is so great to see you organising your resources and starting tasks quickly. Well done and keep up the great work! |
1A | Tilda M | For her fantastic efforts this week in looking at the connection between addition and subtraction. Well done in going back over your subtraction problems with an addition strategy to check you got the right answers. Great work, Tilly! |
1B | Oscar G | For working so hard on his reading, Oscar has been practising his reading non-stop at home and at school. This persistence is resulting in him making significant progress in multiple areas of reading. Well done great man! |
1C | Eleanor H | For her excellent demonstration of our inclusion focus ‘celebrating strengths and differences’. Eleanor, I love the way you have been supporting your classmates in discovering their strengths and acknowledging the different ways we can use our individual strengths to work as a team. Keep it up! |
1D | Jack S | For showing persistence and resilience in his learning. Jack you have shown amazing effort in your reading and writing this term. Keep up the fantastic effort, Jack! |
2A | Caitlin W | For settling into Wembley so well! Caitlin, you have completed some wonderful work and made so many beautiful new friends. You are our new shining light in 2A! Well done! |
2B | Harper D | For showing incredible resilience and growing confidence! Amazing work Harper, you have absolutely blossomed this term, showing increased confidence in yourself and willingness to throw yourself into all that you do. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch. I am so proud of you, well done! |
2C | ||
2D | Alyssa C | For being a wonderful friend and classmate. Alyssa, you do an amazing job at showing respect and kindness towards others, and spread happiness wherever you go with your warm and funny personality. Well done and keep it up! |
3A | Lily P | For your excitement and positive attitude towards your learning. Lily, you’ve shown great growth in showing our school value of resilience and using strategies to problem solve solutions on your own. I’m super proud of all the things you’ve achieved this term, from your hard work with your writing to your own personal goals. Keep it up! |
3B | Sadie R | For your hard work and effort creating an outstanding brochure. Sadie, you have worked so hard over the last few weeks to create a professional looking brochure that is presented in an amazing way and is filled with details. You should be really proud of yourself, well done! |
3C | Adnan E | You have been a great role model to your class by consistently working hard and showing Respect. Well done on doing so well in this week's concept and learning new things while exploring our different neighbouring countries. Keep up the great work Adnan!! |
3D | Angus B | Angus, you have worked really hard these last couple of weeks to complete a fantastic brochure. Your creativity and artistic skills made your brochure a standout. Well done and continue the wonderful work ! |
4A | Ella-Sophie W | For the positive start you have made in 4A. You have been making such an effort to get to know other students in our class and were brave enough to take on a leadership role in the initiatives activity at camp! Well done Ella! |
4B | Atticus K | For being a fabulous allrounder and an amazing member of 4B. Atticus is a wonderful friend who proved himself on camp by showing strong leadership skills when he led by example. Atticus, I'm so grateful you are in our class as you are such a wonderful role model and support to your peers. Keep being your best! |
4C | Theo L | For showing resilience in your learning in the classroom and outside the classroom. Theo, when things have challenged you, you have risen to the occasion and bounced back stronger, and when things have not been challenging enough, you have applied your growth mindset and challenged yourself. You are a star and we are very lucky to have you in 4C! |
4D | Maxwell M | For your excellent attitude towards school and trying to stay positive. I'm so impressed with how you have been able to bounce back when things don't always go your way. You have shown great growth in how you are able to move on quickly and not let the little things get you down. You are a superstar and I'm so proud of you. Keep it up, Max! |
5A | Adella C | For leading a group of classmates to create the Weekly Fiction newspaper. Adella, you and the others have created something awesome with this paper, and me and your classmates are very much enjoying reading it! Looking forward to many more editions. Great stuff! |
5B | Tess S | For your wonderful reading in front of the class during Reader’s Theatre. Well done Tess. We are so proud of you! |
5C | Leah N | For an outstanding year of effort and achievement. It has been wonderful watching you flourish as a learner. Congratulations Leah! |
5/6A | Jesper D | For showing resilience and being able to bounce back into the classroom routine. Jesper has been working very hard towards achieving his learning goals and he should be proud of his efforts, especially his written response about The 13 Clocks and The Princess Bride. Keep up the great work! |
6A | Nikolina D | For your exceptional effort and work ethic upon your return to Australia. Nikolina, you have worked hard this last fortnight to catch up after a family trip to Croatia. It has been great to have your positive energy back in the classroom, keep it up! |
6B | Alison F | For your exceptional reading response essay. Ali, you have analysed two distinctive texts with a modern and gender-considerate lens to accurately show failings of authors and directors in the 50s and 80s. What an incredible piece of writing! |
6C | Sarah M | For using strong leadership skills to ensure that everyone was included in her debate group. Sarah, your kindness is something to be admired. Keep it up legend! |
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.