Lindsey Delooze - Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion
Melanie Irons - Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing
Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Lindsey Delooze - Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion
Melanie Irons - Assistant Principal - Curriculum, Engagement and Wellbeing
Tom Penberthy - Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
Welcome back to the final term of 2023. We hope everyone managed to have a restful and relaxing break ready for all the fun and adventures ahead this term.
Term 4 will see our arts therapy program continuing. Tom P has organised the students to be involved with this program.
As usual information about transition days will be sent out later this term. We will create social stories which will be sent out to those students that we feel would benefit from some extra information. If you think that your child would benefit from a social story related to transition to their next class please let the wellbeing team know for us to be able to send one out to you: Wembley.PS@Education.vic.gov.au
Enjoy the start of term 4 and hopefully the sunny weather will be back soon!
Term 4 Value Focus - Respect
This term at Wembley we will be focusing on a new value, our value of respect. Students will engage in weekly lessons focused on different ways that we can show respect. We are teaching students that at Wembley we treat people, places and things with kindness and care. Creating a respectful environment helps to reduce conflict and create an inclusive environment which helps to improve children's and adult's wellbeing and sense of connectedness and belonging to school. This is important as research shows that children feeling connected to their school and family is associated with positive health and academic outcomes.
This term we will be teaching students the following respectful behaviours:
Current Whole School Behaviour Focus - Be courteous
This week we have introduced our next behaviour focus: ‘Be courteous' as part of our focus on the value of respect. Being courteous is about being polite and considerate towards other people. Students have been learning about ways we can be courteous by using our manners, listening to people when they are speaking and showing patience.
Students and Wembley staff are watching for examples of students being courteous and recording a nomination for these students. If your child comes home with a blue respect stamp, be sure to ask them what they did to earn this stamp.
A number of Wembley students have helped contribute to a video showing the different ways we can all be courteous. We also went undercover to see how courteous students and staff are at Wembley when they don't know they're being watched. We were really pleased with what we found. This video has been shared with all students so they can practise being courteous.
Previous Whole School Behaviour Focus - Celebrating Strengths & Differences
Over the last two weeks of Term Three, students learning about the behaviour of 'celebrating strengths and differences' as part of our value of inclusion. On the last day of term we celebrated our term's focus on our value of inclusion by having a 'Celebrating Strengths & Differences' day. As part of this students looked at the qualities and skills that some well known people have that are their strength as well as making them different. Students look at people like Mackenzie Arnold, Adam Briggs and Greta Thunberg. Students also made wristbands with words and symbols to celebrate their strengths and differences.
Students were also given stamps and nominated for our Wembley Values Award when they were seen celebrating the strengths and differences of themselves or someone else.
Thank you to all the students who nominated their peers when they saw them showing last term's behaviour focus of 'Celebrating Strengths & Differences'. It was wonderful to read about all the great ways students have been celebrating strengths and differences. Congratulations to each of the students, listed below, who won the Wembley Values Award last term.
Inclusion: Celebrating Strengths & Differences | ||
Prep | Toby M | For showing our value of Inclusion by 'celebrating strengths and differences' when you used your strengths of resilience and positivity and modelled how to be a good sport when you were the first to go out in a game. |
Year 1 | Zoe C | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ by growing your strengths and confidence when kicking a footy and including others at all times. |
Year 2 | Cobi T | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ by using your strength of kindness and inclusion when you welcomed a brand new student into our classroom. |
Year 3 | Luka C | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ when you understood everyone's strengths and differences when you let another student play soccer and stood up for them. |
Year 4 | Ella-Sophie W | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ by using your strengths of kindness, gymnastics and music to develop new friendships on school camp. |
Year 5 | Matthew N | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ by using your strengths of kindness and empathy when being an upstander and sticking up for your friend. |
Year 6 | Sarah M | For showing our value of Inclusion by ‘celebrating strengths and differences’ by helping the members of your debating team to use their strengths and give them the encouragement to create a great presentation using teamwork. |
Breakfast club continues to run Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the eating area 8.30 - 8.55am. We have some new volunteers starting over the next couple of weeks, so please make them feel welcome.
We have our first delivery for the term next week, therefore options this week will be limited but will definitely include toast!
Ginny is excited to be back in school after her restful holiday!