Capital Building Works Updates

Written by Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo




The in-ground works are well underway and soon enough we will see the lower and upper slab being laid and then structural steel being brought onsite. Almost 50% of the bored piers have been completed, as it was necessary to change the inground methodology and footing design. 



Split systems were installed in our prep classrooms over the break to provide heating and cooling options, since the gas has been disconnected to the school and all classrooms are now fully powered by electricity.



An upgrade to our fire service was completed over the break adjacent to the prep playground. The construction team will reinstatte the garden bed that was dug up as a result of this installation. 



The handover date of the new building is now set to be July 2024, with demolition of the remaining Block A main building to then commence, with landscaping works to follow and to be completed by October 2024. 

The footprint of the current existing main building will become more playground space with fencing to sustain the boundary between the front and back of the school, with the St Leonards Playground remaining accessible to the general public beyond school hours. The landscape plan also includes vegetation (flora/plants/trees) to replace those removed during the construction project, an outdoor stage, shaded areas, play areas and seating. There will also be an opportunity for all community members to purchase bricks with your name/s on it, as a legacy opportunity, which will form part of a retaining wall. Watch this space for more information which will be shared later this year. 



Our oval has been reinstated and has been returned to us.  It's been fantastic seeing students enjoy the oval, and we once again thank the staff members and parents who assisted us in taking groups of students across to McIvor reserve last term whilst we had reduced oval space.  



We would like to thank the staff members and parents that volunteered to assist me in taking groups of students across to McIvor Reserve at lunch time for a kick, and a play. Thank you to Kristen Kosowski, Ryan Maki, Hannah Tabart, Jelica Zioglis, Kerrie Leigh, Paul Rovis, Melanie Meissner and Andrea Moscato.  



See below for lunch time clubs that are in place to support student play and socialisation in light of the minimised yard space, as a result of the capital works project. 

Lunch Time ClubLocationDay/sYear levelsStaff Member/s
Quiet ClubEnvirodeck BERMonday-FridayPrep-Year 6Varied staff
Games ClubOSH RoomMondayPrep - Year 1Mel Irons
Colouring Club4C Eugenie's/Tom P's classroomWednesdayYear 2 - Year 4Mel Irons
Art ClubOSH RoomFridayYear 5 - 6Tom P
Sports HallMonday-Friday

Mon-Year 2

Tues-Year 3

Wed-Year 4

Thurs-Year 5

Fri-Year 6

Varied staff


In our most recent site meetings over the school holidays and just this week, we communicated the importance of understanding that this is a live site, and that we must protect the safety first and foremost, and also the access of all students into our minimised playground footprint in the interim during the capital building works project.

We are working daily with the project manager and site manager regarding the project and look forward to moving into the new building in mid 2024. 

We thank our students, staff members and parents for their ongoing patience and resilience. 


Wembley PS Capital Works Construction Team Information

Please read below information regarding the Capital Work Project Construction Team who meet every fortnight, and discuss the progress, and project timeline. 

We will share this information with our students to help them learn about the people working hard to help our community. The construction team members have also been asked to feature as guest speakers in classrooms, and will be booked in throughout the year!

Angela Wang 

Senior Project Officer - Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA)

Angela is the senior project officer at the VSBA. 

Every Victorian child deserves access to a great school that prepares them to thrive in the 21st century. The Victorian School Building Authority is managing the education construction boom that will help ensure that. We are a division of the Department of Education and Training, established in 2016, to oversee the design and construction of new schools and early childhood centres, as well as the modernisation and upgrade of existing ones. 

The Victorian Government has committed $7.2 billion for these infrastructure projects as part of its Education State reforms. We are a team made up of building experts, project managers, architects and specialists in relocatable buildings, community engagement and asbestos removal. We’ve put Victoria at the cutting-edge of school design, and we innovate in everything we do. 

Angela is the project manager for the Wembley PS Capital works project, and has worked with Vassie and Terry on the project from its inception. 


Pam Drakopoulos B.Arch BPD ARBV AIA

Senior Lead Architect - AOA Architect Firm

As a Registered Architect and Design Manager with a background in planning and design and thirty years’ experience in project delivery, Pam Drakopoulos has successfully lead design, and documentation teams on education, retirement living, childcare projects, as well as large scale residential subdivisions, and industrial projects. Pam has also worked as a Project Manager and Contracts Superintendent. Her tenacity and commitment in project delivery have provided Pam with the ability to lead, connect and provide mentorship with the project team to deliver exceptional solutions.


Ronan Reid BSc MArch ARBV AIA

Senior Associate - AOA Architect Firm

Ronan has been working in architectural practice for 20 years, in Ireland, the UK, and including over 11 years practice in Australia focusing on education projects. This experience has given him a wealth of understanding of the project design process, from inception through documentation, to construction and completion. In collaborative and team leadership roles, he has successfully helped deliver projects large and small for education and commercial institutions across Ireland, UK, Australia and New Zealand. He has detailed skills in BIM (Building Information Modeling), documentation, coordination, and creative problem-solving.  He has a core interest in environmentally sustainable design and is a certified Passive House Designer. He is a sessional tutor at the University of Melbourne and a mentor through the Australian Institute of Architects.

Victor Umeobi

Project Manager - John Staff Construction Services


  • Managing the construction schedule and activities
  • Ensure work is done in compliance with all relevant building and safety regulations
  • Select and manage subcontractor and supplier relationships
  • Managing project expectations across the entire project delivery and between relevant stakeholders both on-site and in an administrative capacity


Mitch Dean

Project Coordinator - John Staff Construction Services



  • Trade contractor procurement, trade letting & contracts
  • Project cost control/management
  • Work with site manager and consultant team to resolve issues onsite & plan upcoming works with required stakeholders.


Ryan Wilson

Site Manager - John Staff Construction Services


  • Co-ordinating activities on site and supervision of construction workers
  • Review building practices to verify compliance with health and safety standards and project management procedures
  • Day to day problem solving and dealing with any issues that arise

Grant Hobson - B. Ed Sec.

Wembley PS grounds and facilities coordinator

Grant has a background in education, arts, media and communication and coordinating large scale environmental projects on South Australia’s far west coast. Grant and Lisa’s three boys are past Wembley students. Grant has worked at Wembley as a facilities coordinator for the past 7 years. During his tenure he has co-managed the design and development of new outdoor learning spaces including our beautiful Envirodeck area.  Grant has worked to improve and maintain our play and work areas while also responding to the day to day running of our evolving learning environment at Wembley. Grant is a keen surfer and fisher and is passionate about issues around reconciliation and the environment.


Vassie Vatsilas-D'Arcangelo

Principal-Wembley Primary School

Vassie's core role at Wembley PS is to support all students to feel safe and happy at school, so that they can learn; within the realms of this Capital Works Project, this is still Vassie's core role. 

Vassie is working in partnership with the VSBA, AOA, JohnStaff Construction Team and the Wembley team, as well as the Wembley PS School Council, staff and students, to seek approval of building works process, throughout the planning, design, tender and now construction phase of the build. 

Vassie will be attending fortnightly site meetings, and communicating this information with staff, students and parents for the life of the build. Very exciting and groundbreaking stuff for current and future generations of Wembley students.