P & F Happenings

Welcome back to Term 4!


We hope everyone had a great break and enjoyed the nice step up in warmth in the weather!


After a wonderful end to Term 3 with some amazing results at the Dance Spectacular for our budding Fred Astaire's and Ginger Rogers' we are ready to hit the ground running for term 4!  And the fun isn't set to stop any time soon! 



Theme: Multicoloured Madness - come dressed accordingly! 

Join us for a fun evening of dancing, singing and fun as we turn our school hall into a colour-rific disco hall! Tickets are now available to book your spot.  https://www.trybooking.com/CLXNZ


Session times will split our classes into junior and senior groups: 

Kindy to Year 2:  5pm - 6.30pm

Year 3 - Year 6:   6.30pm - 8pm 

*Timing subject to final confirmation from organiser


There will be food and drinks and disco-tastic treats available along with some fun and games for the best movers and shakers! Prize for best outfit to theme also! 


Many thanks to the parents who have offered to help plan and prepare the night in advance. We will need more parents to help on the night with the ticket desk, food and general supervision. Please reach out to your class parent if you would like to help! 



We are officially launching our fun run today! If you have done a fun run in the past you know how much FUN the day is and 2023 is going to be no different. 


The first step is to create your child's fun-raising profile! 

Go to schoolfunrun.com.au and create a student profile page. If you created a profile in the past you will be prompted to log in to your existing account and select your relevant class. Everything to do with your fun-raising revolves around this page. There will be more information shared with the weekly class updates this weekend on what to expect in the coming weeks! 


We still need two parents to help with planning in advance of the event, and an army of parents to join in the fun, I mean co-ordinate and supervise, on the day! The planning work is very straightforward, and will require approx 1 hour a week until the event. Please get in touch with Olwyn or your class parent if you can help! 



Our Term 4 P&F Forum will also host our AGM. Aside from providing updates on key activities and initiatives for the year we will be seeking interest from parents and carers to step up to help us keep the momentum moving from 2023 into 2024. 


In 2024 we want to put particular emphasis on continuing to build on the co-curricular activities available to our children at school. Music will continue to grow, and so too will our Green Team activities. There has been a proposal made to create a team to focus on sport at school and work closely with Mrs Dinale and Ms Bartos on what this could involve. Further Mrs Dinale and Mrs Edwards have proposed the introduction of an amazing language program and we are keen to explore how we can support that. 


In addition to the other regular school community events that we support ahd host during the year you will appreciate there is a lot we can do, but we need to be reasonable with how much we take on. We want to focus on the role of our class parents, both individually and as a group and have reviewed some ways we feel this very important and integral role can provide even more value both to the classes and the individual who graciously steps up to take it on.


None of this happens without everyone wanting to play a role, in some shape or form. And so we are calling on everyone to come along to our Term 4 forum to hear about these activities and what happens behind the scenes. And hopefully you are inspired and encouraged to put your hand up to join the team. 



As we've previously shared, any surpluses of monies from our events this year have been put aside to invest in enhancing the audio visual and virtual connectivity available to be used at school - focusing on the resources in the library and school hall. We are in the process of getting quotes for what resources we can implement and we would really appreciate the insights of someone who might work in this space, or who might be able to suggest some businesses to us. If that's you, or you know someone, please let the P&F know! 



This week Pauline and Olwyn received a lovely letter from Matt Cross, MP, Member of Davidson  about his attendance at the Lindfield Art Show and Fair Opening Night. In his letter he acknowledged the "inspiring and valuable work taking place in our community". He made a Community Recognition Statement at the Parliament of New South Wales, and the work of the committee and principal. 


How wonderful to know that our efforts to make the Lindfield Art Show & Fair a cornerstone of our community's calendar and the marquee event for our school for almost half a century is now incorporated in the official Hansard record :)


A huge testament to the strength and vibrancy of our community and efforts by all to make it the success it was! Make sure to pop past the office the next change you get to see the fancy version of the letter that we received! 


Happy weekend

Olwyn - P&F President