Religious Education Coordinator

Mission Month


This month, students are exploring the concept of mission in their classrooms with their teachers. As a Catholic community, we have a scriptural call to outreach. We are reflecting on the question: What does Jesus call us to do through service?


The students from Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 participated in a mission workshop this week facilitated by Dorothy and Sony from the organisation, Catholic Mission. This year we are invited to be ambassadors for Catholic Mission and share the story of those in Timor-Leste. The students learned about children in Timor-Leste seeking better health, nutritional and educational outcomes.


Next week, we hope you can join us for our whole school Mission Mass on Wednesday at 10:00am in the Church. We will be wearing a touch of red on Wednesday to show solidarity with Catholic Mission. We hope to see you there!  


As well as wearing a touch of red to raise awareness of missionaries like Sister Carolina to improve lives of children like Jose, Maria and Elena, we ask students to bring in a donation for Catholic Mission’s Socktober initiative. 


For more information see SOCKTOBER.ORG.AU.


Thank you in advance for your generosity. 


Kind regards


Liana Stella