Calendar Dates


Week 1

9 October



Students commence Term 4

Sports Committee meeting 3.15 - 4.15pm.

15 October11.30am Blessing of the Animals

Week 2

16 October


18 October


2.00pm Seniors Group B - performance at assembly - 'Mystery at Magpie Manor' 

K-6 School Mission Mass

2024 Kinder Parent Information Evening

22 OctoberSunday 10.15am mass - Holy Family parish will welcome the 2024 Kindy students & new families

Week 3

24 October


Religious Creative Arts Competition Showcase evening

Musica Viva performance (am)

Kindy 2024 Transition Session 1

26 OctoberKillara church 60th Anniversary

Week 4

30 Oct/

1 Nov.


Canberra Excursion – Year 5 & 6 Seniors 

1 Nov.All Saint’s Mass

2 Nov.

3 Nov.

Kindy 2024 Transition Session 2

School Disco

Week 5

7 Nov.

8 Nov.


Kindy 2024 Transition Session 3

P & F AGM at 7.00pm (Library)

11 Nov.Remembrance Day
12 Nov.Sunday Family Mass for Year 1 and 2

Week 6

14 Nov.


Thank You Evening for Parish Volunteers

16 Nov.Kindy 2024 Transition Day (all students)

Week 7

24 Nov.


Colour Fun Run

26 Nov.60th Anniversary Killara Church 10.15am Sunday

Week 8

1 Dec.


“Christmas Around the World” – Parish & School Christmas Concert and Food Stalls 

3 Dec.Advent begins

Week 9

5 Dec.


Year 6 Graduation Mass (Tuesday)

Week 10

15 Dec.


Whole school Advent Mass 

Students' last day for 2023

Week 11

18 Dec.


Staff Development Day (Pupil Free)