
Co-curricular Photos – Ordering On-line – Shoot Key
I write to inform the College community that the 2023 Senior School Co-curricular photos have been made available to St Patrick’s College. Below parents will find access keys, ordering instructions and relevant information relating to these photos.
Parents/carers can use the new Grid View to see all group photos on one screen. There is also a new Favourites feature which allows parents to click the heart in the top right corner of a photo. When they click on the Show Favourites tab, only the photos which have the heart highlighted will appear. Group photos are $12.00 each with one postage and handling fee per order.
To purchase please visit the following website: and enter the key listed below:
Category | Parent Ordering Code |
All Extra Curricular Groups | Y9866XPP |
Athletics | 2X8W54VV |
Baseball | X5UA6K9W |
Basketball | A43CYTDY |
Cricket | N7D484YD |
Cross Country | E4KTSHL8 |
Debating & Public Speaking | NZBRQS34 |
Football | X4NP4U7M |
Rugby | Q5JG5EGA |
Softball | NXF8ELG4 |
Sporting Representatives | 5S9SS5RU |
Student Leadership | HXMG7EEN |
Swimming | A634QXK5 |
Tennis | 7YAMQ6NE |
Touch Football | DHND6L9D |
AFL | E7PU96WV |
Group Photos are $12.00 each.
Orders will be sent to parents directly, not to the College and will incur one postage charge per order.
Parents/carers are advised that if they are experiencing any difficulty in ordering they can ring the Parent Hotline on 1300 084 586 for advice.
Senior School Athletics and Cross-Country Presentation Evening
Parents, carers and boys are reminded that the Athletics and Cross-Country Presentation Evening will take place on Thursday 12 October in the Robson Auditorium. Boys are asked to arrive by no later than 7:00 PM for a 7:15 PM start. Boys are to ensure that they wear their full College Winter uniform and have their school shoes polished. Attendance is compulsory.
In terms of parking, the College requests that no one parks their car in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior Library) at any time. Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing access of emergency vehicles. I would encourage parents/carers and students to carpool where possible. Please note that the aim is to complete the Presentation Evenings by no later than 8:15 PM Given that, please organise transport arrangements around that, particularly when it comes to picking up your son/s.
Injuries – Correct Attire at School
As we enter the Summer Co-curricular sport season, unfortunately but inevitably, there is an increase in the number of students who may be injured playing sport here at the College and in their outside ventures. Can I please impress upon all parents that students being out of normal full College uniform when injured should very much be the exception. Students are required to be in their full College uniform even if injured.
The College would advise of two exceptions to this. Firstly, if the student is physically unable to put their uniform on. Students in “moonboots” or with casts or in slings should still be in uniform unless this is physically impossible. Secondly if wearing the uniform presents a real risk of harm for the student. Students who are unable to wear a shoe due to a sprain etc. and are on crutches should be in full College uniform with a black sock rather than their school shoe on the injured foot. In the rare situation that a student needs to be out of uniform, please be aware that students must wear their FULL College tracksuit, (crested) black shorts, supporter’s shirt white socks and clean sandshoes.
Any student who arrives out of uniform needs to present to their Year Coordinator with a note from their parents explaining the need to be out of uniform. As indicated previously this should be the rare exception.
Co-curricular Uniform – Travelling on Public Transport
As of February 2016, boys have been permitted to wear the following College attire while making their way home on Public Transport at the conclusion of an afternoon’s training session:
Full Summer or Winter College Uniform depending on the season as per current expectation or the College Supporter’s shirt, College Crested Black shorts, white socks and runners/sandshoes. The College Tracksuit is optional yet highly recommended to be worn during the winter season.
You are to note that the College is being quite specific and as such, no boy should be wearing House t-shirts, Basketball Singlets, Baseball pants, etc, on public transport. These expectations are also in place for boys travelling to school for an early morning Co-curricular training session.
Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the following consequences:
First offence – College detention and the above-mentioned privilege will be taken from you for a period of two weeks.
Second offence – College detention and the above-mentioned privilege will be taken from you for a period of six months.
Steve Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular