
Term 4
As the last term for the year gets underway, it promises to be a very busy one for both students and teachers right up to the last school day – Tuesday 5 December for all College students. Apart from the Year 9 Camp in Week 3 and the Senior Retreat for Year 11 in Week 5, normal lessons, homework, teaching and marking will continue up to the last day for each respective year group. There is no such thing as winding down.
Year 12 have completed their schooling and will begin their Higher School Certificate written examinations this week. Year 9 will do their yearly examinations next week.
This term also sees Year 11 commencing the HSC course, including the first of a series of formal assessments for the 2024 HSC credential. Year 11 students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses will also undertake their second industry work placements this term.
Teachers are currently completing Year 11 academic reports ready for posting online via the TASS Parent Lounge by the end of Week 2 and will complete Semester 2 student academic reports for Years 5 to 10 ready for posting online prior to the Optional Parent/Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 6 December.
Teachers are also actively involved with the usual annual process of evaluation and planning of teaching and learning programs in preparation for next year, including the writing of programs for many new syllabuses.
There is the planning and preparation that goes into the College’s Annual Speech Night which will be held at the Sydney Olympic Park Quaycentre on Friday 1 December, commencing at 6:30 PM.
These are just a few things happening this term.
Year 9 Examinations
Year 9 examinations commence next week, Monday 16 October and conclude Thursday 19 October, with Friday 20 October being a “catch up day” for any missed examinations. The assessments are all written examinations. All Year 9 students will resume normal classes on Friday with the exception of those doing any missed exams.
The examination timetable is available on the Canvas Year 9 page and students are reminded to note dates and times of their examinations. Students are also reminded to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the College’s Year 9 Assessment Handbook and Examination Rules posted on Canvas at the beginning of the school year.
Ignorance of the College’s Assessment Policy or examination rules will not constitute a valid excuse and penalties will be incurred for breaches of policy and procedures.
In particular, in the event of absence due to illness or misadventure during the examinations, parents and their sons are reminded that a telephone call to the Year Coordinator, Mr Rowlings, must be made prior to 9:00 AM on the day of the examination. Where possible, the missed examination or a substitute will be arranged within the examination period. Immediately on the student’s return to school, a medical certificate for the illness/misadventure must be given to the relevant Head of Faculty and Mr Rowlings.
I wish all our Year 9 students well in their preparation and completion of these important tests.
Examinations – Parent/Carer Support
The College is fortunate to have an excellent level of parent/carer support and involvement. To name just a few examples, many parents/carers generously volunteer their time to various activities such on Founder’s Day or coaching and managing teams or assisting boys with learning support needs. There are many opportunities for parents to make a positive contribution to the life of the College community. Ultimately, it is the boys who benefit.
Parents would appreciate the amount of work that goes into the smooth running of examinations and parents in the past have volunteered as reader/writers for disability examination provisions.
This is a most significant way in which parents can directly benefit the boys of the College. A full roster of parent/carer readers and/or writers from which the College can draw upon eliminates the need for boys, not involved in examinations, to be used as reader/writers during class time.
In particular, parents/carers are needed to volunteer as reader/writers for 2024. Parents interested in volunteering as reader/writers for examinations or in other areas of learning support may contact me or the Learning Support Coordinator, Mrs Amanda Metua, i.e., contact via email either to or
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum