
2023-2024 Year Ambassadors
Throughout Term 3, students in Years 7 to 10 were invited to nominate themselves for the role of Year Ambassador for 2023-2024. It was pleasing to see a large selection of students engage in the process and show signs of leadership. It is indicative that in each year group there are a number of sung and unsung leaders, guiding and modelling the right way for their peers.
The notion of leadership and what it means to be a leader was discussed during each year’s respective Pastoral Care Periods and the common theme was one of service leadership. As people of faith, we follow Jesus and know that to lead is to serve.
The selection process for Year Ambassadors is extensive and requires students to submit a formal written nomination. Following this, all student nominees presented a speech at their respective Pastoral Care Periods highlighting their intentions and leadership vision. The Year Coordinators can attest that it was special to be a part of this experience and to hear the nominees describe their strengths and goals should they be selected by their peers. The common theme was a sense of respect for the other and a need to “be there” and to listen. Following these speeches, each year group was invited to put forth their recommendations. It must be acknowledged that all unsuccessful nominees were gracious in accepting that it is not yet their time and indicated they will continue to serve their community as an ‘unbadged’ leader.
The newly selected Year Ambassadors have been entrusted with the responsibility to serve and collaborate with their peers, Year Coordinator, College Leadership Team, and the entire College community. It is with great pleasure that I formally present the newly selected 2023 - 2024 Year Ambassadors to the St Patrick’s College Community:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 | Year 10 |
Hamish Ellston | George Avakoumides | Dante Garrido | Gideon Benedict |
Louis Gilroy | Joshua Raheb | Marco LoRusso | Lucas Biscotto |
Antonio Ierardo | Jean-Marc Scundi | Francesco Mazza | Luke Hill |
Terence Michael | Noah Young | Alexander Raheb | Damian Laggis |
There is no doubt that these dedicated young men will represent their respective year groups and College with pride and integrity. We would like to thank the 2022 - 2023 leaders for all they have done in their roles over the past 12 months and the positive and lasting impact they have made. We wish the newly selected student leaders every success throughout their leadership roles and look forward to seeing their positive contributions to the College community.
Romina Fisicaro
Acting Student Wellbeing Coordinator