Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Welcome back to one and all for the final term of the year. Traditionally a very fast-paced, busy term. I hope that the term break afforded you some time to rest and recuperate in preparation for the sprint to the finish line.
With the return to school comes the commencement of the Junior School Summer Co-Curricular program. This is a continuation from Term 1, so boys will continue competing in the same teams as they were in at the beginning of the year. A reminder to please check the weekly draw put out on Wednesdays on the SPC App. Please go to the Junior School Fixtures Tag, for the most up to date information about the Saturday games. This is important to do, as there are often small changes made each week that will vary from the draft draw. Round 7 (first round of Term 4) commences this Saturday 14 October.
A message from the Junior School PE Department regarding expectations for swimming this term. All boys are expected to be involved in the swimming lessons as part of their PE curriculum. It is expected that if a student is well enough to be at school, they are well enough to participate in all their lessons, swimming included. Obviously, for those boys that are in casts, have stitches or are recovering from surgery an exemption will be given for swimming until they are cleared by a medical professional.
Some advanced warning regarding the Junior School Co-curricular Presentation Evening. This will be held at the College at the end of the Term 4 season on Friday 24 November. More details will come closer to the event; however, it will be an evening event in the College gym.
I look forward to seeing and hearing of all our teams’ performances this weekend and wish all those competing the best of luck for their fixtures.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-Curricular