Kalinda Sustainablity

Kalinda Sustainability Report
Can you help us water our gum trees?
Earlier this year we planted over 30 new gum trees around the school. As the weather is warming up, we are looking for some volunteers to help us water these new trees over the upcoming holidays.
What does helping look like?
BYO watering can(s) and come up to the school on your designated day. We have a number of trees planted along the back fence of the school, next to the Urban Forest as well as some in the nature area which will need some water. There is an external tap near the Foundation classrooms which can be used to fill the watering cans.
Interested? Great! Please contact me at giulia.bulled@education.vic.gov.au and let me know the day(s) you are available to help out. I will put a timetable together and get it out before the end of the term.
We really appreciate your support!
Giulia Bulled
Sustainability Leader