Pupil of the week 

Term 4 



Layla M - for consistently demonstrating our Golden Rule. You always make us smile! 

Harley S - for always pursuing your personal best. I’m so proud of everything you’re achieving! 


Lily N- For being a great role model to your peers. You always have reasons for the things you say and do

Ludvik K - For your excellent work in Writing. You are reaching all your goals.


Eva G - For making a fantastic start to Term 4. You have a wonderful attitude to learning and trying new things. Welcome to Kalinda Eva!

Hannah M - for always being kind and thoughtful in our classroom. You are a wonderful role model for your peers. 


Lucas M- For always being enthusiastic about his learning

Sienna D- For the mature attitude and fabulous work ethic you put towards all of your school life.


Zoe P - For being a great role model for your peers of 'It takes great strength to be sensible'

Kane P - for working hard on increasing your speed during independent work times.


Noah G  - for your kind and caring attitude. Welcome to Kalinda Noah! You are 2H’s mindfulness superstar!

Charlie J -  for the interesting language you use in your writing. We love hearing you on the Author’s chair.


Megaz P- For making a fantastic start to term 4. The effort to stay focusedfor considering and set an example for others is fantastic. Keep it up! 

Dougie O- For striving to do your best writing at all times. Keep up the good work Dougie!!


Amelia V - for working incredibly hard in the garden as we created new garden beds for Kelly.

Billi E - for your excellent work during our unit on fractions and helping us to understand that fractions are equal parts of a whole


Abby M - for her cooperative skills and excellent mulching shovel work in Gardening.

Lachlan H - for being open to consider other people’s points of view and working together towards a happy outcome.


Mia H - for consistently demonstrating our school values and putting her best foot forward

Eli N - for putting a lot of thought into his ‘Buddy Bag’ and taking his impending role of buddy very seriously; you are going to be a fantastic role model for the newest Kalinda Kids Eli!


Bonnie H - for your fantastic listening and partner feedback during Fluency Friends.

Isaac J - for your excellent work during our fractions unit and for contributing to our discussions about equivalent fractions. 


Willow M- for your fantastic contributions during Reader’s Workshop discussions. Well done! 

Hiroto O- for all of your hard work and determination throughout our unit on fractions. Good Job!


Eli F - for taking the initiative in cleaning up the schoolyard at the end of last term.

Tanay H - for joining 5B with such a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Welcome to Kalinda! 


Sophie M - For insightful discussion and comments about colonisation, federation and the indigenous people of Australia.

Airlie M - For challenging herself to work out the area and perimeter of composite shapes.


Caden G - For having a super start to Term 4. Keep up the great work!

Crystal L - For always working hard to achieve your personal best! Well done.




Jackson M - For the amazing effort you have put into your maths work over the last term and for helping others when they need assistance. Well done legend! 

Landon B - For your consistent and enthusiastic contributions to class discussions. Your friendly and helpful nature always strives to make our classroom a better place.


Riley D- For your amazing effort with your work habits the last couple of weeks. Well done!

Sam M- For your incredible problem-solving skills in our Maths Workshops. You're a star!


Isaac B - For doing everything in your power to achieve your personal best. Awesome work Isaac!

Charlye D - For your positive attitude and bright smile everyday, you always embrace all challenges thrown your way.


Patrick H - for demonstrating maturity and resilience in making personal changes for the better. Your exceptional improvement is credit to the effort you have put in every day. Congratulations, Patrick!

Fraser G - for continuing to achieve your learning goals, your commitment to trying your best in everything you do, and your incredibly positive and humble attitude toward every challenge and subsequent success. Truly exemplary, Fraser, well done!