Secondary School Immunisation Program

Year 7 and Year 10 immunisations are scheduled for later this Term for students at GSC.


What is the Secondary School Immunisation Program?

Year 7 and Year 10 secondary school students can receive free immunisations as part of the National Immunisation Program.

Vaccines given as part of the Secondary School Immunisation Program are delivered in school settings by nurse immunisers from local council immunisation providers.

You recently received information about providing or declining your consent for your child to be immunised. You might be asked to do this online, such as through the Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal, or by filling in a consent form.

Your child can also receive immunisations at your GP, a local council immunisation service and at some pharmacies. 

Learn more about the Secondary School Immunisation Program in Victoria at:



Why is immunisation important for adolescents?

Immunisation saves lives and is a proven and safe way to protect against diseases. The protection provided by some childhood immunisations fades over time and needs to be boosted in adolescence. 

Secondary school students are at an age when some vaccines will be most effective and provide protection before possible exposure to a disease. 

Making sure your child receives their secondary school immunisations will help to keep them healthy and well through secondary school and into adulthood. 

Local councils provide the Secondary School Immunisation Program. For adolescents not attending school, vaccinations are available from your local GP, pharmacy or other immunisation provider. 

Learn more:


What Immunisations are provided in secondary School?

Some immunisations are routinely provided free of charge to all Victorian secondary school students. 


Students in Year 7 (or aged 12 to 13) receive the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and the diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) combined vaccine. 


Students in Year 10 (or aged 14 to 16) receive the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. 


Your child’s school will support your local council to deliver these important immunisations, as part of the Secondary School Immunisation Program They will communicate with you about upcoming immunisation sessions. 


You will receive information about providing or declining your consent for your child to be immunised. You might be asked to do this online, such as through the Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal, or by filling in a consent form.

Learn more:


Online consent

If you have a child in Year 7 or Year 10 at secondary school in 2024, look out for immunisation information and consent information that is sent to you.


Parents or guardians must complete the consent section on the relevant online portal (such as the Central Immunisation Records Victoria portal, or CIRV) for their child to receive immunisation.


You can say no to the offer of free, secondary school-based immunisation for your child.  

If you wish to do so, you should decline your consent online.


When you receive the information, take time to talk with your child about vaccination – why it’s important and how you both feel about it. If you have any questions that are not answered by the information provided with the consent form, contact your GP or your local council immunisation service.

Learn more: