Local Area Excursions

Parent/Carer permissions required.


In 2024 Gisborne Secondary College may take students outside of school grounds to undertake educational activities in the local area.  Local excursions are excursions to locations within walking distance of the school and do not involve Adventure Activities.


To simplify the permission process, the College has a blanket consent for Local Area Excursions for the 2024 school year that we ask parents/carers to please review and action in Xuno.  Once actioned, we will not seek further consent from you before local excursions take place, however, we will provide advance notice to parents/carers of upcoming local excursions through Xuno, the school newsletter or email communication. For local excursions that occur on a recurring basis, we will notify parents/carers prior to the commencement of the recurring event, eg; weekly sports lessons at the local oval.