Principals Update
- Sarah Rose, Principal
Principals Update
- Sarah Rose, Principal
What a great start we've had to the 2024 school year and an already busy schedule across all the year levels. It has been wonderful to commence the year by meeting new and returning parents at the information sessions we've held so far. We will continue to run Year Level Information Evenings over the next couple of weeks to ensure our families are aware of the processes and programme that will run for their child/ren and establish relationships to work in partnership for the year ahead.
Tomorrow we will hold our first whole-school assembly for the year. These occur once per term and tomorrow will be extra special as we will formally welcome our new Year 7 cohort to the school community, no doubt to lots of clapping and cheering. This will also be the first opportunity for our new student leaders to address the entire student body and I'm looking forward to seeing them take on their roles with eagerness and positivity.
Our new canteen operators are also well and truly off to a great start this week with students and staff alike enjoying the new offerings. Could I please remind parents/carers to speak to their child/ren about the College Mobile Phone Policy which extends to mobile phones not being permitted for purchasing items at the Canteen. The Flexischools app (flyer at the bottom of this page) is up and running for advance orders and cash and eftpos payments are accepted over the counter.
This term we also commence running College Tours for prospective families to assist in their decision-making. It is great to engage with our broader community by sharing with them the great programme and facilities on offer at GSC. If you know any families of current grade 5 and 6 students who would find a College Tour beneficial, please direct them to the College website for full details.
I encourage you to read through this edition carefully especially theas important administrative and procedural updates that may impact you and/or your child/ren.
Kind Regards,
Sarah Rose
College Principal