Religious Education & Faith Life

Ash Wednesday and Lent

As we get ready for the season of Lent, we want to remind you about the importance of Ash Wednesday and what it means for us as a community. This special time is all about taking a moment to think, say sorry for our mistakes, and recommit ourselves to our faith.


Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th this year. On this day, we mark the beginning of Lent. It’s a time when we focus on prayer, being kind to others, and thinking about what’s really important in our lives. You might see some people with ashes on their foreheads – it’s a symbol that reminds us that we’re not perfect and that we want to try to be better.


During Lent, which lasts for about 40 days, we try to be a little bit kinder and a little bit better every day. We might choose to give up something we really like, like chocolate or watching TV, to help us remember what’s important. We also try to spend more time talking to God, saying thank you for all the good things in our lives, and asking for help when we need it.


We also think about how we can help others during Lent. It could be by giving food to someone who’s hungry, sharing our toys with someone who doesn’t have many, or being a good friend to someone who needs it.


So, as we start this journey through Lent together, let’s remember to be kind, to think about what really matters, and to help each other out. Let’s make this Lent a time of growing closer to each other and to God.