Finance Matters

M&S School Fees 2024

Invoices will be sent home with the students sometime in the next two weeks. The M&S fees for 2024 are $320.00 per child. 


M&S $100.00 Rebate

The most recent government budget noted a focus on supporting the well-being of students to improve academic outcomes and helping families with cost of living pressures.  This included - 

  • A $100.00 discount on the materials and services charge for each child at public schools – delivering cost of living relief for a third year.

The $100.00 rebate will automatically be applied to your account and directly allocated against your M&S fees bringing the balance to $220.00 per student (this does not apply to families on School Card). 


School Card 2024

More information on the criteria can be found here

SA.GOV.AU - School Card scheme ( 


You can also call them directly on 1800 672 758 to gain information on whether you are eligible. 

You can apply online (see above link) or hard copies are available in the front office. 

The school card application needs to be submitted yearly as it is based on earnings from the previous tax year. 


In order for an assessment of your family’s gross income to be completed by Centrelink, you will need to have:

  • Lodged your 2022-23 tax return and received a notice of assessment, or
  • Lodged a non-lodgment advice with the ATO and/or Centrelink.

Payment Plans

If you would like to discuss a payment plan to finalise your M&S fees, please approach the front office and ask for me. 


Kind regards,


Melissa Harris

Finance Officer