Meet our new staff!

Meet Victoria Keogh
You might recognise Victoria from all the fabulous work she has done coordinating the CHPS Fair for the past few years. Victoria is now working in Education Support at CHPS and we are lucky to have her!
Tell us about your family (pets included):
My little family consists of myself, husby Matt, almost nine year old Mila and Luna the Bordoodle.
What is one thing you could not go without?
Chocolate. It would be dangerous for everyone around me!
Where have you worked before?
This is my first job in the education industry. My previous career was in Advertising and Marketing. You might remember seeing a couple of the projects I worked on - "Not Happy Jan" for Yellow Pages and "the Big Ad" for Carlton Draught.
Dogs or Cats?
Dogs. Every time. All the time. Forever. And ever.