School Council Update

Dear families and friends of CHPS,
It is hard to believe that we’re already halfway through term 1 2024. Council had their first meeting last week where we welcomed new members: Gareth Buck, Sophie Gammon, David Thorpe, Sara Donaldson and Fiona Slattery. Megan Brock and I return to the Council for another two years.
Our office bearers for 2024 are: President: Bryony Nayagam, Vice President: David Thorpe and Secretary: Sara Donaldson.
Council was thrilled to hear that our school voluntary contributions for curriculum items has reached 72% of our budgeted target of $233,512. This equates to 45% of families having contributed to this area. This is the strongest result we have had from our school community in February for many years now. We are grateful for this strong show of support, and we hope to see this number increase to 80% before our next Council update.
It is hard to believe that we’re already halfway through term 1 2024. Council had their first meeting last week where we welcomed new members and welcomed back previous members - thank you to David Thorpe, Sara Donaldson, Megan Brock, Megan Considine, Gareth Buck, Sophie Gammon and Megan Smith.
The fundraising proceeds from the school fair have now contributed to a freshly painted and recarpeted downstairs space of the Organ Factory campus. The final stage will be to re-carpet the upstairs area. The result is a wonderful and fresh learning space for our middle school children, which we feel sure is being enjoyed by our year 3 and 4 students and their teachers.
I am continuing to work with Gabrielle de Vietri’s office to progress additional school crossings for our new school campus: one between the new campus and main campus, and the other between the new campus and the Darling Gardens. Please keep an eye out for comms relating to a petition, and for additional ways that you can help support our efforts to campaign for these additional crossings to keep our children safe.
Finally, I would like to remind our community of a significant celebration for our school community this year – the celebration of 150 years of establishment. Should you wish to be involved in planning and delivering the 150 years of CHPS celebrations, please reach out to Susan Williamson ( who is looking for volunteers.
I look forward to providing further updates from Council as they are available.
Bryony Nayagam
School Council PresidentAll the best,