
Term 1: Week 3 


It has been fantastic to see our students looking sharp and wearing our uniform with pride! It really raises our image and shows that we are all committed to being on the same team. If you are unsure of specific uniform requirements, please see the College diary or click here to view the Student Expectations Document. Our jewellery expectations in particular are there to ensure we all present at school as one team, on a equal playing field. 

  • Monday morning is our Welcome Mass, which is a wonderful celebration of our Catholic Identity. We officially welcome the newest members of our community as well as present our Year 12 students with their badges. All students are to be in full formal uniform.
  • Students have really embraced our College diaries and it is great to see students using them as a vital organisational tool. Please check your child’s diary regularly to stay updated with what is happening for them in classes. It can be a great conversation starter at home! Please also feel very welcome to use the diary as a way to communicate with your child’s teachers (for example, if they are out of uniform outside of your control)
  • If you need to sign your child out between the hours of 8.30am to 3.15pm (1.30pm on a Thursday), we ask that a parent or guardian collect them from the front office. We respectfully ask that all our families honour this requirement as it helps us as a College to fulfil our Duty of Care obligations to our students.
  • The safety and well-being of our students is always our number one priority. In addition to key staff, such as their PG teacher, HOY or Assistant Principal, students can also notify the school of any problems using the email address smw.bullymail@cns.catholic.edu.au 
  • Monday was a great display of our school community’s perseverance and resilience with the unexpected power outages. Students were fantastic in seeking cool areas, drinking plenty of water and reducing their physical activity.




All the best,

Leah McBryde
Justin Brennan
Leah McBryde
Justin Brennan


Leah McBryde                                                                     Justin Brennan

Assistant Principal | Junior Secondary                         Assistant Principal | Senior Secondary