Administration important updates

School Council Elections

Each State Government school has a School Council.  Ours meets at least 8 times per year and operates sub committees that support the operation of the school. Meetings are held at night on-site. They run for around 2 hours. Council membership is representative of the wider community and is made up of staff and school parents. 


On Monday, 5th February, on Compass, we commenced the annual School Council election process, and this will conclude later in February, with all families invited to complete ballot papers for the nominated candidates. Once elected the Council members serve a two-year term and then can seek re-election via the Government directed process. 


Being involved in School Council is another way that you can contribute to the operation of the school. Candidates can be self-nominated or nominated by other parents from the school. 


This year we have 4 parent positions available for a two-year term. Please supply a small bio about yourself if/when you nominate. (About 150 words) This will be utilised in the election process and published within Compass to aid families in the voting process.  This bio can be emailed to the school, marked 'School Council'.

Nomination forms are below or available at the school office.

  • Nomination forms must be lodged by 4.00 pm on Monday 12th Feb. 2024.  No late nominations will be accepted.
  • List of candidates will be available Wednesday 14th Feb.
  • Ballot forms will be sent home with eldest student Monday 19th Feb.
  • The ballot will close at 4.00pm on Monday 26th Feb. 2024. No late ballot forms will be accepted.

Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of personal information is directed by the school Privacy policy and the DET Privacy policy. All data, personal details and related materials are managed securely, stored securely and accessed via standard protocols and operational requirements. A link to our policy is included in today’s newsletter. Our Privacy Policy. (This is dated 2019 – I don’t know if we have a new or updated one yet)

Add links to the following to the template content and then share the reminder with parents and carers.


Policy, guidance and resources

Our Policy and Advisory Library includes all related policy information, guidance and resources under the relevant menu tabs:

Student insurance

  • parents or guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs; and
  • parents or guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.

In addition, the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property. Please ensure items of value are kept at home or stored securely while they are on site.

Financial Assistance Information for Parents

Student Enrolment and Emergency Contact Information

We have emailed the Student Enrolment and Emergency Contact Information we currently have on file at Caulfield Junior College. It is essential that you review the document, amend as required and return the signed copy to school by following the instructions on the first page, so we can update our systems. You will receive a form for each child you have enrolled at the school.  If you have not received the email, please contact us, we don't have the correct email address for you on file. 


Formulaire d'inscription des élèves et contacts en cas d'urgence

Nous avons envoyé par courriel le formulaire d'inscription que nous avons actuellement pour votre enfant. Il est essentiel que vous revisiez les renseignements, et que vous les corrigiez au besoin. Veullez nous renvoyer le formulaire dûment signé en suivant les instruction sur la première page, pour que nous puissions mettre nos systèmes à jour. Vous recevrez un formulaire par enfant inscrit à CJC.  Si vous n'avez pas reçu cette communication, nous n'avons pas une adresse valide pour vous joindre, veuillez nous contacter dès que possible.

Protecting against mosquito-borne diseases

Warm and wet weather can result in greater numbers of mosquitoes and increased risk of illnesses from mosquito bites. While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make people sick. 

The best protection against mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquito bites.

Families can protect against mosquito bites by: 

  • covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing  
  • applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home 
  • limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.


Families with any health concerns should see their doctor or phone NURSE-ON-CALL: 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours).Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines 

Japanese encephalitis virus is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes and can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain.

Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines are available to protect Victorians at higher risk of the virus. 

The Victorian Department of Health encourages eligible people who live or work in high-risk local government areas to get vaccinated. 

For more information, including what is considered a high-risk area and eligibility for a free vaccine, refer to the Department of Health’s Japanese encephalitis webpage


Find out more

For more information on protecting against mosquito-borne diseases, families can refer to the following Better Health Channel pages: