News from around the school

New - Open Classrooms & Welcome BBQ



On Thursday 8th February our Gr 1-6 classrooms will be open between 5:45pm-6:15pm.




 Our school families are invited to come along and visit your students classroom and join us for our Welcome BBQ!


New - Opening Mass

To celebrate the beginning of our school year, we warmly invite all families to join us for our Opening Mass on Friday at 9:45am in the Marian Centre. 

There will be a special welcome for all our Prep students.


New -  Subway Lunch Orders


Subway orders are due each Thursday for delivery Fridays.  Paper order forms can be placed in the classroom Subway Tub OR orders can be made online via CDFpay. Scan the QR code beside and register your details if you havent already done so, and use the Subway menu to place an order.




New - After School Program

After school program is Government funded Program run by St. Mary’s School through Sporting Schools Program. The program runs for 1 hour after school. The children are provided with a drink and fruit. The program will be offered for 7 weeks.

Each session starts at 3.45pm and finishes at 4.45 p.m. The program is supervised at all times and an outside person runs the program. Each session can only take 25 children. 

This term we are offering the following: 

Multi Games with Skillzone Multi Sports Coaching, with the aim of this program being to have fun, learn new games and be happy. This will be held in the Marian Centre or Oval depending on the weather. 

WEDNESDAYS - starting Wednesday 14th February for 7 WEEKS, finishing on 20th March.

THURSDAYS - starting Thursday 15th February for 7 WEEKS, finishing on 21st March.


The children will meet Maree outside the Marian Centre straight after school and have fruit and a drink. 

Please return the form below to the office before Monday 12th February 2024.


Thank You 

Maree Williams




We have a facebook page.  If you haven't checked it out or are not following the page the link is listed below.

St Marys Facebook Page


Our Facebook page and our fortnightly newsletter are two of our main sources for communicating information to our families.