Save the date!

Details will be sent to the community via Compass News feed for the following events:
- Year 12 Formal - Friday 3rd of May
- Working bee for 2024 will be held at Mirimbah on the 24-26 of May. This is an opportunity to make a contribution to the school and have a great time too!
- Movie night in school theatre as organised by the Fun(d)raising group of the PHSC School Council - Friday 10th of May.
- Turning in Teens Program for Parents: A program for parents/carers of children aged 10-15 years. This 6-session, interactive, small-group program will be held at Fitzroy High School this term on Thursday evenings. Tuning in to Teens is a great opportunity to better understand and help your child as they navigate high school and adolescence. The program helps you reflect on how you can strengthen your relationship with your child and build their emotional intelligence. More information in the flyer attached.
Who, When & Where: For parents/carers of children aged 10-15 who live or study in the City of Yarra
Commences 16 May (for 6 weeks) - Thursday evenings at Fitzroy High School 6.30pm-8.30pm
To register, visit
- Year 10 Immunisations - Tuesday 21st of May