Message from the School Council President

My name is Danny Phillips, and I’m fairly new to the PHSC community with my eldest child in Year 8 this year. I joined School Council last year after deciding that I wanted to do more to actively connect with the local community and found myself in the role of Treasurer. This year the council has given me elected me as President which I’m really looking forward to.
We’ve got some fantastic people on this year’s council, all of whom are dedicated to supporting the school in shaping and achieving its goals across education, events, camps, facilities, culture and wellbeing.
But we would love to see more people involved!
We’d love to see some new parents jump on our sub-committees, which meet remotely or in-person a 7-8 times throughout the year after business hours. It’s not a big commitment and if you are interested or have experience in fun!draising, property/project management, or education and learning, please get in touch with our Principal Trevor at to get involved in our Buildings and Grounds; Education; Finance; or Fundraising subcommittees.
We’ve got big plans to raise important funds for larger projects and programs through community - like our forthcoming Movie Night on the big screen in our library. Be sure to pencil in 6pm Friday May 10 your diaries or fridge calendars now. Bookings available very shortly via a separate Compass News Feed.
Our Building and Grounds committee is overseeing progress on the external basketball court area, atrium, and toilet improvement works, which I know many students are looking forward to enjoying.
The school is also ensuring that our much-loved camp program continues in spite of funding and resourcing challenges. An updated volunteer registration link will be circulated in the coming week for those who are willing and able to help out in a range of voluntary capacities.
If anyone would like a parent’s perspective on what it's like on the council or a committee, or how you can get involved, you can get in touch with me via my new official School Council President email
Kind regards
Danny Phillips
School Coucnil Presidnet 2024