Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Hello wonderful SMPS families. I hope everyone is feeling healthy and happy. Reminding ourselves of such humble things keeps life in perspective. It is said healthy people want for lots of things; but there is only one thing a sick person yearns for - their health. If you have good health, rejoice in its wonder, for this too shall pass. All of us will be sick one day so carpe diem.


We had the privilege of running a Curriculum Day last Monday. Although we have the right to take them, the staff are always so grateful for the 'sacrifice' parents make in allowing us to do that. It is not easy finding care for your child, but you all do it with such grace. On the Curriculum Day, we covered the following topics:

  • School Culture: How we can take steps to build a continuously positive vibe in our great school
  • Mathematics Education: Next steps in our journey to be elite in our teaching of Maths
  • Student Outcomes: Looking at the data and finding strengths and areas to improve.
  • Inclusive Education: How we can keep our eyes open for students who need extra support

We covered off on other areas as well as set up our classrooms after the big renovation. All staff (Teaching, Education Support and Office Admin) got a lot out of the experience. Thanks for being right behind us in our endeavours.

Diverse Community

I interview each new child and family who enrol in our school. It is one of the joys of the job. I get to meet fascinating people from all over the world. I enjoy listening to the perspective of people who adhere to the world's various religions. I met a lovely Muslim family recently who were so kind and humble. They spoke of their faith with such depth and knowledge. I get to have similar conversations with people from other faiths and it never ceases to amaze and delight in the wonder of our diversity. Ramadan is approaching and I hope the joy of that season is kind to all families who observe the traditions. I wish similar goodwill to all other religions. I never knew the direction of Mecca until this week so it was another learning opportunity. 

Hot Days

We had some hot weather last week and I sent a Newsfeed to explain our support of a sun safe school. In everything we do, we rely on parents to take some responsibility in helping their children understand their obligations for personal health and safety. Schools and teachers try hard, but can't cover everything so we appreciate that extra push from parents. 

NAPLAN Upcoming

Students in Grades 3 and 5 will soon be sitting the annual NAPLAN tests. I know that lots of families have been preparing their children for these tests and I am so grateful for that support. I view the care and education of our children as being a collaborative triangle. We have the student in one corner, we have the parent in the other and teachers round out the triad. Together, we are stronger, and we should always row the oars in the same direction. I have never seen a canoe being successful when oars pull at different angles. It just makes the craft go in circles!