
2023 STEM Taiwan Global Student Program

We are pleased to extend our warmest congratulations to Amelia Lynch for her successful application to the 2023 STEM Taiwan Global Student Program! 


This remarkable achievement reflects Amelia’s commitment to academic excellence and her passion for Chinese and STEM subjects. Her selection for this program is a well-deserved recognition of her hard work and dedication.


The STEM Taiwan Global Student Program provides a unique opportunity for Amelia to enrich her educational experience. During her summer holidays, she will have the chance to immerse herself in Taiwanese school life, further develop her Chinese language skills, explore culturally and historically significant sites, and gain valuable insights into real-life STEM applications through industry visits.


We are confident that Amelia will make the most of this enriching opportunity and return with a broader perspective on STEM and global cultures. We look forward to hearing about her exciting experiences and discoveries during her time in Taiwan.


Congratulations once again, Amelia! Your participation in this program is a testament to your academic prowess and your curiosity for the world of STEM. We wish you a fulfilling and enlightening journey as you embark on this adventure. 

2024 Homestay Information Session

On January 31st 2024, our community came together for a Homestay Information Session that went beyond being informative—it was a celebration of the pivotal role our homestay providers play in ensuring the success and well-being of our international students.


The session was designed to provide valuable insights and information on homestay arrangements, catering to both long-term ISP students and short-term study tour participants. Throughout the event, our International Program Staff delved into key aspects such as international student visa conditions, available support services, and the terms and conditions that guide homestay providers.


It was inspiring to witness homestay providers sharing their experiences, exchanging best practices, and connecting with one another. Their dedication to creating a warm and supportive environment for our international students plays a pivotal role in their academic journey.


As we move forward, we want to reassure our homestay providers that our support team is here to assist them with any questions or concerns they may have. Their commitment to the success and well-being of our international students is truly commendable, and we are grateful for the positive impact they make.


Thank you for being an integral part of our community. We look forward to continued collaboration and the collective contributions we can make to enhance the experiences of our international students.


Do you have a Spare Room and a Big Heart ?

Are you looking to enrich your family's life and make a positive impact on a young person's future? If so, we have a unique opportunity for you! We are seeking warm and welcoming host families to join our high school international student program. By hosting an international student, you can open doors to cross-cultural learning, forge lifelong friendships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.


About the Program:


Nationality: Our international students hail from diverse countries, including Italy, Germany, China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand. Hosting one of these students is like having a piece of the world right in your own home.


Duration: Whether you can host for 2 days, 2 months, or even 3 years, we can tailor the experience to meet your preferences. The flexibility is yours to decide.


Age Range: Our students are aged 15 to 18 years old, bringing their youthful enthusiasm, curiosity, and unique perspectives into your household.


Placement: We typically place 1 to 3 students with each host family. Rest assured, room sharing is not permitted for ISP students. Each student needs their space and privacy.


Remuneration: As a host family, you'll receive remuneration of $339/w per student. You can host up to 3 students, which means more opportunities for cultural exchange and extra income for your family.


Why Host an International Student?


Cultural Exchange: Hosting an international student allows your family to learn about different cultures, traditions, and languages right in your own home. It's a fascinating journey of discovery for both you and your student.


Lifelong Friendships: The bonds formed during the hosting experience often last a lifetime. Many host families and students maintain lasting connections even after the students return to their home countries.


Personal Growth: By welcoming a student from another part of the world, you'll broaden your own horizons, increase your cultural competence, and gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives.


Financial Support: The remuneration provided can help offset daily expenses or be put towards savings, travel, or educational pursuits for your own family.


How to Get Started:


If you're interested in this wonderful opportunity to create lasting memories and make a difference in the lives of these young learners, please crick below to register or reach out to Emi at 3511-3877, 0499-765-434 or for more information.

(For full list of T&Cs see International Student Programs Terms And Conditions For Homestay Providers External link)



We can't wait to welcome these bright minds into our The Gap State High School community and extend our hands of friendship to them. Your generosity will make a world of difference!

Thank you for considering this incredible opportunity.


Warm regards,


Emiko Suzuki

International Homestay Co-ordinator

The Gap State High School

3511-3877 / 0499-765-434 /