The Arts

Mrs Monique McMullen

On Monday 25 February - 5:30 pm till 7:00 pm - two art exhibitions are open to our school community at the TULA Galley in Block G - Visual Arts.


Year 10 Art and Visual Design students (2023) have their final works exhibited in simultaneous shows. 'Mirror' is an exhibition of almost 50 self-portraits and 'Land' is a collection of 24 ceramic works created in response to students' passion for particular places in our landscape. 


Entry is free. Drop in for 5 minutes or stay longer to read the artist / designer statements and to chat with your student about their creative process. 

Music Department News

Instrumental and Choral Music


Music lessons and ensembles started this week and it have been fantastic to hear students singing and playing again. I popped into the Concert Band, Chorale and Vivaldi rehearsals to see how our Year 7s were settling in and was really impressed by how they sound already.


If your student is continuing with their Instrumental Music lessons this year and you haven’t received any communication from Ms McMullen about this, please email her on so that we can place your student in our program as soon as possible. 


Instrumental Music students who require a hire instrument this year must see Ms McMullen before the end of Week 3 to ensure their loan agreements are up to date. Any new students hiring an instrument should also have this paperwork completed.


The choir is seeking new members and we encourage anyone who has previously sung in one of our groups to come back and benefit from the group singing environment. There is nothing like singing together to create joy and happiness. Our choir rehearse on Tuesday mornings in the auditorium from 7.30am – everyone is welcome!

Music Camp

Our annual music camp is in Week 4 this term. Our Intermediate and Advanced ensembles will be heading back to Mt Tamborine for 3 days of music making, ensemble building and community from the 12-14 February. 


All students invited on camp should have returned their consent forms last Monday to ensure their place. Please get in touch with Ms McMullen if you have any questions about this.


Save the Date

Trivia Night – PoPArts annual fundraising and all-round amazingly good time is on again this year – Friday 8 March from 6.30pm. Come and join quizmaster Andrew McMicking for an rollicking night of trivia – prizes for best dressed tables as well as winners and runners-up – all to support our Arts Curriculum programs here at the school. More details about the event will be coming soon!


PoPArts Committee – are you an enthusiastic Arts Parent? We would love you to come and join our Arts parent support group – PoPArts. This wonderful sub-committee of the P&C are a lively and dynamic group who fundraise for all of our Arts curriculum programs. In the past they have dedicated funds to providing a range of equipment and experiences for our students including – Shake and Stir theatre residency for Year 10 Drama; Cameras, tripods, microphones and other equipment for Media Arts/Film and Television; iMacs and associated technology for our Music Lab; Gallery improvements for the Art Gallery; large instruments including double basses and marimbas for Instrumental Music. Please email our current secretary Steve Williams on if you are keen to get involved. Our first meeting is on Tuesday 13th February and then on the second Tuesday of each month after that. Hope to see you there.


TULA Concert – Our first Instrumental Music concert in on Friday 22nd March in the JA Robertson Hall. Doors will open at 6pm for a 6.30pm start and the PoPArts  Bar will be open before and during the performance selling light meals and beverages. We hope you can make it along to support the great work of our Instrumental and Chorals students and their teachers.