Parents and Friends Committee

 Fundraising Events

All parents are encouraged to support the St Laurence O'Toole Primary School Parents and Friends Committee and membership is open to all.  If you would like join our Committee, please contact the school office via e-mail at to find out more and/or express your interest or share fundraising ideas.


Annual Easter Raffle

Ticket books for the Annual Easter Raffle have now been sent home and the raffle will be drawn at assembly on Thursday, 28 March 2024 (last day of Term One).


We invite you now to contribute to the Eater Raffle and are grateful to receive donations of Easter chocolates, Easter themed craft activities or books, soft toys etc.  Donations can be sent via your child's classroom or left in the office anytime from now until Wednesday, 26 March 2024.


This Raffle is an important fundraiser for our school and your contribution and participation is greatly appreciated.



The P&F Association will be looking for helpers for the Canteen, commencing in Term 2 and continuing throughout Term 3. 


The Canteen will operate every Friday and requires a few hours of help to buy, prepare and distribute lunch orders to feed our hungry hordes. 


If you would like to help, please contact the school office via e-mail ( with the dates you are available and the P&F will be in touch with the roster.



Icy Pole Fridays are back until the end of term!

$1 each, and can be ordered via CDFPay ONLY.