Principal Message

Dear Families, 


Reach Foundation: On Monday we had the Reach Foundation visit again, and work with our Year 6 cohort. In the sessions I observed, I heard how our students tried to identify their dreams and strengths and at times, their strengths were reinforced by their peers. The students eagerness to engage in the activities was commendable and the depth of their responses was commended by the team from Reach. Thanks to Andy for organising yet another great opportunity for our students to learn more about themselves. 


Public Holiday: No doubt you are all planning a great long weekend as Monday is public holiday. See you on Tuesday! 


Garden Project: A massive shoutout to the awesome crew at Bunnings for helping us with our garden project! These guys brought serious expertise, constructing our garden planter boxes. Huge thanks to the Bunnings squad for helping make our new garden look amazing.















Cinema Night: Friday 15th March is our second Cinema Night on the oval. Keep your eyes on the newsletter for more info and how to purchase tickets. Yet another great event coordinated by the magnificent P&F team. Hope you can show your support to them and enjoy a great evening out. 

NAPLAN: Next Wednesday the National testing of Literacy and Numeracy begins. Year 3 & 5 families will be aware of this from various pieces of communication sent out this term. Like every other day, we hope your children come to school ready to learn, well rested and do their best. We want our students to succeed at school and also in NAPLAN. We know some students will excel, some may struggle but rest assured, we use this information to plan the next steps of learning too. We know we have amazing artists, athletes, musicians etc that unfortunately don’t get to show their talents in this testing but we are aware of them and celebrate them too. We know these tests don’t capture the kind, friendly and enthusiastic aspect of the individual. Please instil confidence in your child to do their best and let them know how proud of them you are. Thanks for preparing your young person for NAPLAN. 


Have a great week everyone. 

Scott McCumber
